A rumble emanated from Linda’s stomach, given the size of her middle it was a loud rumble, she was immensely hungry. As Linda was partly aware of she now had an adolescent inside her and her body had to make considerable changes to let it be possible, great big changes, all this required energy, a lot of energy, which Linda’s body was now demanding had to be paid in full in the form of food.
Linda went and tried to heave her now vast body off the lounge, normally she would not be able to lift such a weight but the power of her hunger drove her on. She waddled towards the kitchen and squeezed her enormous belly through the door way. She wouldn’t be able to cook anything in her current state nor did she have the patience she had cravings, for anything edible, it was like despite all physical evidence her belly was a well or hole that need to be filled, in reality her belly looked like a huge balloon on the point of bursting. Linda crossed to the table and snatched a banana from the fruit bowl in the middle of said table, she took a bite out of the banana without even peeling it, she finished it off proceeded to consume all the contents of the fruit bowl in a similar manner, apple cores and orange peels she ate the lot of them, people said that these were good for you and for Linda it was just what she needed. But it wasn’t enough, she crossed to the pantry and reaching in sideways (as her belly prevented her doing it any other way) she started to grab food and tossed them onto the table. After getting out as much as she could Linda made her way to the table and sat down, the chair making an ominous splintering noise, there she ate… and ate…. and ate. Her belly which already seemed to be at the point of bursting bulged as food was packed into it, like with the fruit Linda didn’t do anything to prepare the food other than getting it out of its packet, box or container before shovelling it into her mouth. It was whilst Linda was stuffing herself with food did Tina walk in, she had inherited her mother’s black hair but wore it in a more youthful style and hadn’t changed out of her uniform since coming back from high school earlier that day.
“Mom, have you seen Tom, “she said coming through the door way, “he’s not in his room and he has left his clothes on the flWHAT HAPPEN TO YOU?!” she said upon seeing her mother sitting half naked in the kitchen consuming what appeared to be the household’s entire supply of food and not to say the least her enormous belly, big enough to contain someone of Tina’s approximate size.
“I’m not too sure,” said Linda before giving a belch, then she spied a packet of rice on the ground the must of missed the table.
“How much have you had to eat?” asked Tina eyeing her mother belly as though it might explode.
“Not enough,” said Linda straining to reach the packet of rice.
“Why is your belly so big?”
“I’m not sure but I think it might be Tom,” said Linda continuing in vain to try and grab hold of the rice packet.
“WHAT?!, that’s impossible.”
The was no reply as all of her mother’s focus was of getting the rice which she had no hope in reaching, Tina snapped and threw the packet to her mother in an effort to focus on the problem at hand, she watch with mild horror as Linda tore a corner off and emptied the rice into her mouth.
“Ooh that hit the spot,” she said giving her belly a rub, “Tina there is an itch on my belly I can’t reach, could you?” Linda said gesturing to a spot on her expanded midriff.
Tina looked at her mother giant middle (there wasn’t really any choice not to) with an apprehensive look on her face as though it might be contagious. “What going on with you, your belly is huge and you breast are much bigger too and your ass…”
“Tina do as I say and help m…” interrupted Linda before she was interrupted in turn by Tina.
“Your belly is huge but Tom can’t be inside you that’s impossib…” this time it was Tom who interrupted Tina as large kick came from inside Linda’s belly, it was a clear foot shape of about Tom’s foot size.
“Tina!” said Linda now with a trance of anger in her voice do as I say before…”
At that point Tina wished…