Jessica and Charlie considered the fullness in their bowels and emptiness in their belly before deciding to deal with the latter first. After brushing their teeth, they came down into the dining room, Jessica wore a stylish Nightgown that just barely covered her diaper while Charlie just had an old T-shirt on with his padded bottom completely exposed.
“Morning, sweeties” “Charlotte said as gave each of her kids a kiss on the cheek “You two came down at just the right moment, breakfast is almost finished” She said before ducking back into kitchen to bring out their first meal of the day.
Breakfast was a steaming bowl of oatmeal mixed with raisins and chocolate chips with large sippy cup of apple juice. After Charlotte brought everything out on the table, she bibbed the siblings and presented them each with silicone spoon.
“Tuck in” She exclaimed with a smile.
At their mother’s signal, Jessica and Charlie started scarfing down their food, washing down the meal with swigs of juice between bites. In no time flat, they'd emptied their cups and were licking their bowls clean after scraped up every bit of oatmeal they could with their utensils.
After cleaning their plates and making a mess of their faces, they sat back contentedly in their chairs, rubbing their bloated bellies.
"Aaah, that hit the spo-" Charlie started before a shockingly huge burp forced it’s up his throat and cut him off, a blush forming on his face as his sister giggled
“It sure sounds like it did” Jessica said, continuing to rub her belly before steadily moving her hands up to her her chest, coaxing her gas upwards as she let out a series of soft belches
With their hunger satiated, the siblings turned their attention back to their bowels, which were churning even more violently after they’d so greedily stuffed themselves. The pressure was increasing exponentially as their breakfast started digesting and making it’s way down, not to mention as the trapped gas inflating their intestines like a balloon, though this they were used to feeling like this whenever they had breakfast before they took their morning poop
“I swear, it doesn’t matter what I put on our plates or how much of it I make, you two always wolf it down in a matter minutes” Charlotte said to her children as she started wiping their faces clean with a wet cloth
Jessica responded to her mother’s little quip by lifting a dainty butt cheek in her direction and ripping a bassy
*Bluuuuooorrrrpuuuurrrrrppt* that bubbled the bit of sludge in her diaper.
“Oh!” Charlotte’s cherry demeanor dissolved the moment she caught a whiff of her daughter's horrid fart, dropping the cloth as she held her nose shut tight with both hands "Pee-yew! I'm afraid to check your diaper after that" She said with a wry chuckle as she tried to recompose herselff
"I can't help it, I haven't pooped since last night" Jessica said as she lightly patted her swollen belly
"Me neither, but I think we're going to pretty soon, whether we want to or not" Charlie said, his sister nodding in agreement
"Well, not too soon, I hope" Charlotte said, covering her nose with only a single hand now, reminding them that...