You nod. Simply sitting around in here wouldn't bring you answers. No, you have to investigate yourself, if you want to have even the slightest chance of figuring out what happened to you. Even more, you don't want to loose sight of Sally anytime soon. She knows her way around in this world and she has been nothing but friendly. Though you are still intimidated by her sheer size, having her help you makes you feel infinitely more safe.
"Great! I had hoped, that you would come with!" She seems genuinly excited. "I mean, I know it's probably scary for you, but think about it this way: I'm going to show you your first glimpse into a new world! Maybe even something, you've never seen before!"
You can't help being infected by her enthusiasm, despite having already had your fair share of the impossible for today. Sally's optimism isn't misplaced. you feel. Maybe you aren't lost, but rather on a grand adventure, of a kind no other human has ever even dreamed of. Your nervousness slowly gets drowned by an overwhelming desire to explore.
Sally laughs, loudly. She must have seen your expression change.
"Well, then lets head out!" She lays down her palm next to you again, and this time you are much more secure in climbing onto her hand. On the way out, she grabs a big, black purse, swinging it around her shoulder. With a skip in her step she carries you out into the warm summer sun and immediatly towards a big, red pickup truck. The bright colour shows, it's well taken care of. The bed is covered with a mossy green tarp, though you see a few things poke out, making the surface uneven.
Sally rummages through her purse, holding you in the other hand, and finally draws out a keyring. She fiddles some more with the lock, then the door swings open. As she gets behind the wheel, you are greeted by the hot, smothering air inside.
The inside of the truck looks as well as the outside. The seats are a dark brown, the black dashboard shines in the sunlight. Just as you spy the radio, Sally is already reaching for the On-switch. She browses through a few stations, settling on station playing classic rock songs.
"It's not a long drive," she says as she reaches for her seatbelt, "maybe fifteen minutes. Get comfortable!"
She stops for a moment. Then frowns.
"Oh god. I'm sorry, I haven't even thought about where to put you while I drive." She suddenly shouts. "I can't just hold you the entire time. And I don't think the seatbelts will fit you."
You look around the car. Sitting on the seat at your size with no security seems like a bad idea and the same goes for pretty much any surface inside. A sudden break would send you flying through the entire car and you aren't keen on testing out your durability. As you are checking out the cupholder, Sally suddenly speaks up again.
"I think, there's nowhere in the car where you'd be safe, but..." she says, slowly turning her head towards you, an embarrassed expression on her face. "I can think of only two places. You could either ride along in my purse. It's going to be a little cramped, but it should be soft enough. Or, I could put you in my shirt pocket. Then, we can at least talk and you can see a bit of the scenery as we drive. It's your call."
You think for a moment. Where do you want to spend the ride?