You tried to work on some homework but kept getting distracted by the cowl, which you had left hanging up on the post of your bed. It was about four o’clock and happy hour was soon to be over at the bar, meaning Kim would be working for another few hours till nine when she’d hang with Patricia for the rest of the night. And you were stuck alone in your bedroom like you had done something wrong. And a bunch of unanswered questions plagued your head which kept getting you even more annoyed
“That’s it,” you said, slamming your notebook shut. “I’m getting to the bottom of this.”
Through a simple matter of retracing your steps on Google Maps, you quickly determined the name of the store you were visiting. Fiona’s Frugals. Apparently it was a hot spot for wiccan lovers, if the reviews online were any clue. Small wonder considering what it had done to your head, perhaps there was something to the idea of magic.
But there was only one way to find out.
You found the number next to the listing and dialed it into your cellphone. It rang a few times before a familiar bubbly voice greeted you on the other end.
“Fiona speaking.”
“Hi,” you replied. “Uh, you might remember me from a couple of hours ago. I came in because it was cold and you gave me this weird cowl?”
“Oh, yes! The pretty boy! Have you tried it on yet? What did you think?”
“What did I think?” you huffed finding yourself getting angry with how careless the shopkeeper was sounding. “It turned my hair red! And then it grow it out!”
“Working as intended then. How long did you keep it on, by chance?”
“I ripped it off the moment I saw what it was doing to me! What the hell was that?”
“Yes, magic will do that to you. I thought I got a good read on your aura the moment you walked into my shop. Hold on a moment. Let me do some tarot readings to be sure.”
Being over the phone, you weren’t in much of a position to argue with her when your only power was that you could hang up. And that wouldn’t get you any answers. You could only sit patiently as you listened to her play with cards on the other end of her phone. After a solid five minutes of waiting, she finally spoke up.
“Ah, I see. You have girl troubles then, do you?”
“Wha--” you replied, trying to disguise a blush Fiona couldn’t see. “I don’t...How did you know that?”
“The cards told me as much and they’re never wrong. Forgive me, I thought you had wandered into my shop as a boy simply curious about what it’s like on the other side. Now I see your need much more clearly. Let’s start from the beginning. Hello there, I’m Fiona. And I secretly own a shop of magical items.”
“Magical items…?”
“See, there are too few real witches out there these days. Most of them are just in it for the fashion with none of them practicing real magic. That’s why I opened this shop in a college town, to recruitment fresh members into our coven. What I have given you is an enchanted cowl. It was owned by a former friend, another witch. Before she died, she passed on a part of her soul in various items around the shop. You just happened to find one of them, like it was calling to you.”
“It wasn’t calling to me!”
“Then why did you grab it out of everything else in the store?”
“I was looking for something Kim might like!”
“Kim being the girl you’re interested in?”
“Shut up!”
“Well,” you could practically hear Fiona smirking over the line. “The items in my store are all imparted with some essence of previous witches. They have a mind of their own, in some ways. They would not go to you without a reason.”
You sighed, you couldn’t handle this insane back and forth. It was like talking to someone who believed in angels or ghosts, no matter how reasonable your argument there was no shaking their faith.
“Look,” you continued, voice clearly painted with impatience. “Could you just tell me what this stupid jacket was doing to me?”
“Simple,” Fiona as she reared up for an explanation.