"Well, umm, you do have some good points. I'll take the job, Michelle!" Isabel said nervously, but still with enough confidence to make it sound believable that she really wanted the job.
"Great, Isabel! Here, try the outfit on, let's see how you look in it!"
Michelle handed the Norwegian flagged bikini over to Isabel, and kicked over the flip flops. Isabel grabbed the bikini and picked up her flip flops, and looked around herself. Michelle just stood there, waiting and crossing her arms.
Isabel did nothing, and looked a bit puzzled when she looked around. Michelle looked at Isabel impatiently.
"So what are you waiting for? Try it on!" Michelle said.
"Umm, but where is the changing room?" Isabel answered.
"We have no changing room, you can just change right here, right now."
"But... then I'll be..."
"Yes, you'll have to be naked before you put your bikini on, Isabel."
"But I don't want you to see me naked!"
"Gahh, in the name of..........fine. If you're going to be so shy, I'll step outside while you change into it!" Michelle said with an annoyed tone, before she stepped out and slammed the door hard behind her.
Isabel changed from her normal clothes to her bikini as fast as she could, before anyone else could come in. There were a few seconds where she was totally naked from head to toes, and even though she knew she was alone in the room, she couldn't help but trying to cover herself up a little with her arms while she changed. Being naked someplace else than her own bathroom was an unusual and uncomfortable for Isabel.
And so was being in a bikini someplace else than the beach or a pool too. After she had tied the bikini top on and her bottoms together, she looked herself in the mirror and acknowledged that she was looking really, really good in it, but she also got a shiver from showing so much skin outside of normal circumstances.
Suddenly, the door barged open and Michelle came in again. Isabel jumped and even had a reflex to cover herself up when Michelle come in.
"Relax, you look great in the bikini outfit! Let's go introduce you to the rest of the crew you're going to be working with!" Michelle said, as she grabbed Isabel's arm and pulled her out of the room.
Isabel got goosebumps as they walked out of the room and into the public part of the airport for a few seconds. Wearing only a bikini outfit and some flip flops felt weird, almost as she was walking around in just her undies. They entered another room, which looked like a cafeteria and had the Air Netto logo on it. Inside, she saw many other women in bikinis liker herself, but they were clad in bikinis with the Danish colors, Swedish colors, Icelandic colors and Finnish colors. She could also see some others in Norwegian colors, but not that many.
"So these are our company's main area. Here is the cafeteria, and then we have showers and other sorts of rooms surrounding the main room that we are standing in now. Isabel, I want you to meet Zara, she will be one of your closest colleagues!"
Isabel shooked Zara's hand, and noticed her yellow and blue bikini along with her very, very blonde hair. She was Swedish. "Hej Isabel!" she said, and Isabel greeted her with her Norwegian language. She was sitting on the table with two other girls, one in a red and white Danish bikini, and one with a blue, red and white Icelandic bikini.
"This is Camilla from Denmark", Zara said, as Isabel shook her hand. Her skin was quite tan and she had dark brown hair.
"And this is Helena from Iceland", Zara said. She greeted Isabel in English, and had red hair with very pale skin.
As Isabel was still standing and looking around in the room, Michelle started to walk away. "I'll have to leave now, Isabel, but these girls will make sure you are properly taken care of!"
Michelle started to walk away, but she stopped next to Zara and whispered something in her ear that Isabel couldn't hear, and took off.
What did Michelle whisper to Zara?