"So, are you just gonna keep on floating there, or are you gonna get yourself out of prison?" asked the gypsy
"Well, I have a few questions, like how do I 'de-possess' somebody?"
"Ya' just imagine floating away, disconnect yourself, and viola! You should be floating around again. Now you got anymore jibber-jabber, or are you gonna possess somebody?" said the gypsy.
"Alright, it sounds like a plan, but who do I go after?"
"Well, how about Lt. Parsons, you know he runs this place. If you became him, you could do whatever the fuck you want!" explained the gypsy
"You know, that sounds like a good plan, let's just go find him" said Russell hesitantly. He didn't know what to expect with his first possession.
Immediately, the gypsy and Russell floated around the prison, searching for Lt. Parsons. The searched high and low, but finally, the found him organizing paperwork in his office.
"Just go behind him, and float into his back, it's that easy!" said the gypsy.
"If you say so" Russell said nervously. Russell floated directly behind Lt. Parsons, and waited for that perfect moment. He calmed himself down, and flew directly into Lt. Parsons back. Parsons was hurled forward onto his desk. A few moments later, Russell felt familiar feelings. He could feel legs below him, arms to his side, and most importantly, a physical body he now wore. He stood up, and checked himself and the office.
"Hello there 'Lt. Parsons', how do you feel?"
"I feel..." Russell said before he cut himself off, "Woah, this is just so fucking weird! I mean I feel just fine!"
"Excellent, now what exactly are you waiting for? You can just leave now, you're a free man!" Yelled the gypsy
Where does Russell go in Lt. Parsons body?