The button got about a millimeter away from the hole before Shepard's belly pushes it away it one big wave of chubbiness. She groaned, put on her bath robe, and stealthily ran over to the med bay.
When Shepard waked into the med bay, Dr. Chakwas turned her chair around and asked, "What seems to be the problem commander?"
Shepard opened her robe, showing the extra 10 pounds that she had packed on. "I need help with..." Shepard paused for a moment, "this." She said motioning to her recently plumped figure. Chakwas got her on the scale, which revealed that she was 156 pounds. "That's impossible!" She exclaimed, "The scale has to be broken, or, or..."
"Commander, calm down, it's just a little bit of fat." Chakwas said, "With a good diet and a strict workout regimen, you'll be back in shape in no time at all."
"No, you're wrong!" Shepard proclaimed, "I'm the same weight that I was before, these pants just shrunk or something!" She stormed out of the room and went to her quarters and cried about what the Doctor had said. Kelly Chambers noticed this and promptly took the elevator up to Shepard's quarters with snacks and a larger pair of pants.
"Hey." Kelly said as she entered Shepard's room, "I brought your favorite candy." She sat next to Shepard on her bed and put the bag of candy bars in front of her as well as put the pants on her lap.
"Thanks." Shepard said as she put on the pants, still tight in all the right places, but at least they fit. " You always know how to cheer me up." she said before taking one of the candy bars and eating it in three quick bites. The she took another bar, then another, then another, and kept eating. "Can you believe Chakwas said that I'm fat? She has got some nerve!" Shepard said as she wolfed down another candy bar, Building on the pugde the doctor had critiqued. Her bust expanded and pushed her shirt to its limits.
Kelly was turned on by the commander's curves and bulges. She had to fight the urge not to rub Shepard's full, jiggly belly. "Jane?"
"I'd like to ask you something."
"Ask away."
"Could you taste some cakes that I baked for my sister's birthday?" Kelly asked, seeking to make the commander even bigger.