Sarah comes in and looks for Vetra in the workshop, according to SAM it was her latest reported position. She hears a low sub-noise that the Turians only gives. There she was!
She was lying down, with dextro based food, like quarians and turians can consume. Then new tears opened in Vetra's clothes, in the front of Sarah. / Crack./
Vetra has really stopped with their somewhat sluggish mission, like looking for survivors from a crashed ark, you know the one who would carried quarians and, drels, hanar, volos and elcors. and some Batarians.
Beyond that, expand colonies. Have kids.
So Sarah understood that all military personnel are unable to keep up the bodies when there is no battle to fight.
But Vetra has really become lazy.
Sarah admits that she and 90% of all women on the Andromeda initiative have rounded out something.
Sarah's t-shirt refuses to go down completely, so only a little skin is shown.
She has just gone up 5 kilos in a year, so only her stomach suffers.
Her Brother scott the Pathfinder, teased her a little for that. But he liked waht he saw.
Before Sarah's thought corridors could be completed so winters:
"Sarah?" Asked Vetra.
"Hi Vetra, how are you? Do you feel alright?" Said Sarah worrying.
"Are fine, little dizzy, can you help me up?" Asks Vetra, the now plump looking girl.
"Of course", sara said.
When she tried to pull up Vetra at the same time when one hand was pulled down behind her back on Vetra, her hand fell too much into the fat. She pulled it in, with Vetra up.
"Thank you", Vetra said.
We do not know how turians blush in the mass effect but say that their skeleton like face with the extended things, that´s sit beside their face, maybe not at all but Vetra has them, they move at a faster pace when she blushes.
"Vetra, you might have to wait until it's free to go out." Said Sarah. ( Looking at vetra´s bursted clothes, and pot belly, people would stare)
"then can you stay here with me until it´s late. I have human ... junk food as you say. Do you want to eat with me and keep me company?" "I have a TV in the work shop and a couch". Said Vetra.
1. Does Sarah Declines and leave or 2. say yes, (that means she is gonna plump up to.) 3. or she stays and eat with Vetra, but someone else comes in