Ranked 65: Sasha Pajari
Description: Shorter-than-average, slight build, black short hair (that is slightly purplish) black eyes, and pale. Wearing black light-combat gear.
Nationality: Russian
Weapon: 5 custom whip bladed pistols
Special: Pistol whip blades...WHIP BLADES!
Fact: Before finding her hobby, she already liked cute things which was completely backwards of the perception of her by her comrades. Although, she can be a bit of a handful when dealing with something extremely cu- okay this person is one heck of a lolicon...
Move-set: Besides slashing in more ways than 1
-Broken Clip, screw clip size, turn the pistol into an automatic!
-Pistol Slashing, let the bladed-pistols spin around!
-Whip pistol slashing, let the bladed-pistols spin around...5 AT A TIME
-Close-range smack-down, a full-blown physical assault in more ways than one
Ranked 64: Alexey Kuznetsov
Description: Tall height, medium build, black short hair, black-empty-eyes, and pale. Wearing a type of frosted black-metallic armor.
Nationality: Russian
Weapon: Lantern shield (The version that is like a Swedish army knife of shields) and bladed machine-gun
Special: Is a tank and is an expert in hand to hand combat
Fact: He has a high-resistance to the cold...like arctic-water resistance with something like that on...Holy mother Russia.
Move-set: Go anywhere near this guy and you will have a bad time!
-Blinding light, that is the strongest light in existence
-Crunching blow, break your bones to dust (Figuratively speaking of course)
-Passive: Frosted armor, good luck piercing that armor!
-Passive: Frosted grip, if he grabs you your skin might come off later...
Ranked 63: Vera Orlov
Description: Average height, slim, white ponytail, brown eyes, and pale. Winter camouflage gear.
Nationality: Russian
Weapon: Bladed steel crossbow and bladed carbine
Special: A vast array of close range attacks and combinations regarding the usage of both her weapons.
Fact: The first time she met Ivan she wanted his head, also her hair is white for camouflage purposes.
Move-set: So...ever seen someone dual wield a crossbow and carbine?
-Chop, she can use the carbine as an axe
-Stab, the crossbow can be used as a stabbing weapon (With 3 times the pain)
-Explosive rounds, fragmentation always sucks
-Powder-keg bolts, exploding arrows...well crap.
-Piercing arrows, watch it, these things are armor piercing
-Hollow bullets, more damage to those not wearing armor
Ranked 62: Ivan Zolnerowich
Description: average height, average build, blonde short hair, black eyes, pale, and has a scar across his entire face. Wearing light-assault gear.
Nationality: Russian
Weapon: Bladed magnum and 2 custom combat knives.
Special: Those knives can extend and he is quick!
Fact: He is broken all to heck
Move-set: As said the knives can extend and quickness is his specialty
-Sweep-down, take out the legs, kick them into the air, slash them down
-1000 cuts, more or less his almost instant death attack. His blades extend and slashes as you so quickly it's ridiculous, if this hits you fully it's game over, block most or some you might be okay, but either way this guy is worn out afterwards.
-Cold cut, a cold-bladed attack that freezes you at the core...figuratively of course.
Story (Sasha Pajari) : Well two things 1: She's an ex-Russian soldier 2: She is a Russian soldier who likes anime. Though the only thing to go off of her military service is that she hated the living crap out of some of the men there. Another thing to go off of is how she even liked anime to begin with...well the only thing I have to say about that is that there was a soldier there that was a god at smuggling things and it just so happened anime was his hobby...well that about explains it. The reason why she hides her profession from other's is because it is a bit embarrassing and may have others question her profession and her own person. Well needless to say the only thing she needs is a strong computer because having physical items of her profession is hard to hide considering who one of her friends are.
(Alexey Kuznetsov): Was once a long guard of a giant metal wall that had separated two powers for many years. Though he may be the lone guard, because of his over-casting intimidating figure no one has dared to even look at him as his appearance alone struck fear in the people on that side of the wall. The one random thing I have to say is that this guy must be good at poker facing because even in snowstorms and blizzards he is going to stand there like nothing is going on, seriously, when does this guy eat or go to the restroom?! In other news the only reason why he moved is because Ivan approached him the minute he got into town.
(Vera Orlov): Not only is her skill recognized by other hunters, even before the 101 was set up, she also had a very good and strong relationship with most if not all of them. So essentially the more hunters you kill the more she is going to be pissed off and aggressive when you encounter her...yeah their relationship is that great even though they are leagues apart. Also she had a passion as a bounty hunter.
(Ivan Zolnerowich): The interesting thing about Ivan is that he was once a legendary assassin known only as "Frozen Honor" which says two things about him, he is about as cold as them come yet he has as much honor as much as they come. Because of this man are all of these people together and near each other (Which by the way, fighting all 4 at once is going to give you hell on earth that is frozen over) Also, he has one messed up past.
Battleground: Russian town in the middle of who the heck knows where with a giant iron wall and bastion right at its doorstep.