Claire White is 18. She is 5'6' and 145 lb.. She has long blonde hair and a beautiful thin face. While her face is slender, the rest of her is not. She looks very healthy around her waist, with well developed breasts. Her legs and butt are filled out but not too generous. she lives with her father (Ron), and her mother (Jennifer). Her Father is a strong 6 ft. man, who is a sweetheart despite his manly appearances. Her Mother is a very plump 5'7', 38 year old lady, who is very generous. She weighs at least 250 lb.. She has pretty brown hair and an adorable plump face. She has large fat breasts and a big double belly. She has very large thighs, but her biggest attribute is her wide rear. They all live in a beautiful suburban home.
Claire had never been a very skinny girl but recently she had started to lose some weight. This alarmed her mother, Jennifer. Jen had always been a thick girl. When she was in her teen's and early 20's she was considered curvy and gorgeous despite having a few more pounds than the other pretty girls. After she got married to Ron she started to gain quite a bit of weight. By now she has gained almost 100 pounds since her marriage. But she is a bit delusional about her current weight, she still sees herself as the same beautiful woman she was earlier in life. Seeing her daughter losing weight despite already being so much skinnier than her caused her to worry. She's losing her beauty and risking her health? I can't let her starve herself like this thought Jennifer.
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