Captain Steamer, of the Boiling Sea Pirates, lounged on the bed in his quarters, his one arm wrapped around his favorite wench. Once he'd been ambidextrous. Now, he was left-handed, and the fingers of that hand were gradually, playfully working loose the strings of her corsets. Daria "Lefty" McCuddy giggled and took another swig of rum; she had just about down enough of it herself so that she couldn't smell it on him. That was when things started getting fun.
The Crimson Cloud lurched to one side, sending her rolling off the bed in a tangle of sheets. Steamer followed her, but picked himself up almost at once. They could here shouts of alarm from the deck.
"Stay here," Steamer grunted, shoving her into the closet. She heard his cutlass sliding from his scabbard, and then the slam of the cabin door.
For a long time she huddled in the darkness, listening to the screams. She hoped nothing happened to the captain's remaining arm. Once he'd had two, and she'd had a twin sister; when a rival claimed the limb, he reasoned that it was a waste to have more girls around than he could hold at once. She'd been forced to fight Mickey to the death.
After what must have been hours and hours, the door was yanked open and Daria was hauled roughly into the light. A burly merwoman, white spots speckling her slick tangerine skin, threw her down on the bed and looked her over.
"Pl-please..." Daria begged. "Don't kill me! I never liked 'em, that I didn't, an' that's the truth!"
"Then, little human," the merwoman laughed, "I've got some good news for ya."
Moving on her tail in a sort of half-walk, half-slither, the great fish dragged Daria from the captain down to the mess hall. The benches were filled with more mermaids, shiny-scaled and colorful, all dressed in the mariner's motley of a pirate crew. Maybe of them slept; other drowsed over plates garnished with a few bones and scraps of flesh. A great feast had taken place here.
Daria was hauled before the great throne where Captain Steamer had once held court. Currently it was occupied by an imposing looking mer-lass, her hair braided and knotted with shells, a battered hat pulled low over her eyes. She lounged across the chair, one arm over the back and her tail slung over the armrest.
"Found another juicy little morsel for ya, captain," her captor said, shoving her forward.
The mermaid captain picked her teeth with a sliver of bone and belched thoughtfully. She scratched her distended fishbelly.
"Ah, Slices, you're doin' me too good. Any more food an' I'll bust wide open."
She yawned, giving Daria a terrifying look at her teeth.
"She is a nice one, though. Juicy. Just a littl bit plump."
Daria blushed and shook out her blond ringlets. "A little, maybe,, but if you've any gentlemen among you I can still please 'em, easy."
"You'd offer up yer services willin'ly, after what we did ta ya?"
"You ain't done nothin' to me, far as I can see. An' I don't care if you killed off the rest of that scurvy lot."
The mer-captain laughed. "Just like a human! We didn't just kill 'em off, you know. We ate 'em up."
Daria paled.
"Yup. Every last one. Which leaves the question of what to do with you..."