Link took a step back, panting as he raised his shield. He glanced over it to look at the horde of Chuchus in front of him, seeing the creatures were staring back. It was not a group of ordinary slimes however that was slowly wobbling into his direction: Unlike the common types the young hero had encountered during his journey these Chuchus weren't green, red or yellow. They were pink.
One more time Link stormed forward. With a loud battle cry he jumped at one of the gelatinous beasts, slicing it up in the middle. Like any usual Chuchu it split into two, and the separated masses transformed into two smaller individuals. But despite their red, yellow and green conspecifics the two new monsters didn't try to reunite. Instead, the pink substance of their bodies began to shake and vibrate. Before Link's eyes the two lumps of slime began to swell at a rapid pace until both had grown to the size of a regular Chuchu. Desperately Link repeatedly struck the monsters with his sword, splitting them into smaller and smaller portions. But no matter how small he cut them, each clump would slowly grow back to its original size. Producing more and more enemies like this Link soon found himself hopelessly outnumbered. Grunting he was about to strike again, when he heard something behind him. Quickly he jumped aside, just in time to avoid getting hit by a Chuchu that had sneaked up from behind. Immediately the young hero guarded himself with his shield again, taking a rough look at the number of enemies. When the battle had started it had only been a single Chuchu, and now at least twenty of the pink creatures stared at him with their dull smiles.
His sword suddenly began to glow, which signalized Link Fi had something to say. Since he was running out of ideas he decided to summon her. Making a flip in the air the sword spirit jumped out from the tip of the blade, hovering a few feet in front of Link. The transcendental figure looked as ethereal and otherworldly as always with her iron mask and the two different-colored cloaks that replaced her arms. Only her short form-fitting dress as well as her stockings revealed her to be of feminine gender, her decent curves showing through the clothes. In the middle of her chest a blue crystal was embodied into the fabric of her dress, the gem looking like it was a part of her body (which was probably the case). "This is a pink Chuchu", Fi told Link with her echoing, analyzing voice. "To be honest, I have never heard of this species before. It seems a special component in its body allows it to duplicate its cells at an even faster rate than the usual Chuchus, making it virtually impossible to defeat with a sword. I suggest the use of a different strategy." And then the spirit vanished back into the blade. Link rolled his eyes.
The Chuchus steadily drew closer, the nearest getting ready to jump at him. In a last attempt to fight them Link raised his sword towards the sky. After a few seconds a gleam began to wander from the hilt to the tip of his blade. As the light reached the top the whole sword shined brightly, being full of sacred power. With a mighty battle cry Link swung his sword forward, releasing a vertical energy beam from it. The beam circled towards one of the slimy creatures and cut it in the middle, right between its bulging eyes. Instead of splitting in two the Chuchu suddenly glowed in a bright light. Like on command all others around it began to glow as well, freezing in their motions. Link raised his shield again, preparing himself for whatever was about to come. But to his relief the slimes didn't attack or grow further, but all dissolved simultaneously, flowing to a gelatinous mass that vanished into the ground.
Link sighed, and put his sword and shield on his back. As he looked at the empty field in front of him he raised an eye-brow: From the remnants of the Chuchu he had hit with the beam a Jelly Blob had formed. Instead of being light-blue like all other Jelly Blobs however, this one was pink like the slime itself. What was even stranger though was that as Link came closer to it, his sword suddenly began to vibrate. As if on cue Fi jumped out of the blade, floating between her master and the blob. "A report, master", she informed him. "I respond a reaction from the sword towards the unusually coloured Jelly Blob. It would appear that it is somehow corresponding to the sacred power inside the blade. I calculate the chances that the sharpness of the sword will increase upon contact with the blob at 85%. I suggest you to rub it over the blade." Link had no idea how Fi could feel that the blade would improve if he rubbed some slime over it, but just shrugged it off. She was the spirit of the sword, after all – maybe she had just a feeling for it.