Gary grins, having made up his mind. he grabs a few things and begins heating up something that smelt like tires in a metal beaker. he also begins to pour something bright pink on you, getting a stick and begins stirring it into you, letting your entire mixture turn neon pink. you remembered Mary showing you her new heels earlier with her neon pink insoles, you knew what Gary had picked, now he was making you blend in. you bubbled helplessly as he grinned, glancing at the metal beaker "ah its ready" he grabs it and pours it into you, its boiling hot and warms up your liquid form all over again, you realise he is pouring a clear rubber into you. why was he doing that?
as he mixed the rubber and colouring into you, you felt yourself getting thicker, though your not sure why. unaware that the rubber was fusing with you, meaning you will keep your shape when you cool alot easier. picking up your bowl, Gary sneaks out of his room, he smirks down at you once or twice as he checks to see if Mary is back in her room yet. she isnt, so he sneaks in, heads to her wardrobe and finds her pink heels. "enjoy my sisters feet Squishy" he whispers and pours you evenly into both shoes, your form thick enough that it runs into the shape of the insole its resting on, the heat helping you fuse with it below, sticking you in place as you rapidly cooled. unaware to you, there is absolutely no difference in your appearance to the appearance of the insoles you now cover.
Gary sneaks out, closing the wardrobe before he leaves and laughs to himself. it isn't long before Mary has come in, confused why the bowl of you hasnt reformed yet, she talks to it "Jack, i have to go to a housewarming party with my mom and brother. your taking longer than i thought to cool down, so you will be ok letting yourself out right? love you *she kissed the mixture Gary had left in your place and walked over to her wardrobe. you stared up at her desperatly trying to call to her for help, but you had no mouth like this. the rubber keeping you set in shape. you watched her grab her pink party dress and head off. you heard the russle of fabrics as she undressed and got changed into it, your vision was filled with her legs appearing out of glittery petticoats and a pink dress before she grabbed you with her toes, pulling you closer.
the moment you were dreading was now, she slipped her feet into her heels, stomping to make sure they were in fully and smiled at herself in her full length mirror. she loved pink, she glanced at the bowl "im sure you would tell me how pretty i look if you could. see you later jack!" she said waving to the bowl of goop, happily walking on you, unaware of the pressure she was putting on your insole shaped body, split in two and trapped under her feet in her new heels.
they head to the party, Gary smirking the whole way there, but whenever Mary asks what is so funny, he just shrugs and says its nothing. there are alot of people at the house warming, Mary's mothers cheesecake is huge and everyone loves it. but Mary has to stand around alot, she chats to some of the other teenagers there, passing the time and talking about boys, clothes and other such things. she keeps noticing Gary smirking over at her every time she stomps her foot or walks anywhere, she tries to ignore her annoying brother and think about her lovely boyfriend Jack...who Gary likes to prank...he was taking a long time to reform...what is so funny anyway?...