You'd always liked the countryside. Even during the night, the rolling green hills in the area where you lived still seemed beautiful in their own right, something that, when coupled with your childhood love of camping, meant that every now and then you couldn't resist a night spent under the stars.
What you hadn't expected to happen was what seemed to be a meteorite impact - and so close to you! Interrupting your stargazing, it had slammed into the forest near your house, shaking the ground and pissing off a multitude of animals trying to sleep. If you could get a picture, or, heaven forbid, a fragment or two of it, you'd be the the happiest 25 year old in all of England.
Torch pointed ahead of you, you slowly walk through the forest in an attempt to find the fallen space-rock, making sure to look at the ground ahead of you to stop yourself from tripping on anything. Eventually, you come across a clearing in the forest illuminated by a mysterious light - and in the middle of the clearing, a crater! It seems you've found your meteor.
Peeking over the edge of the crater, you can't help but freeze in bewilderment at what you see. Instead of a large rock, you see a seamless silver sphere that gives off a soft light. You're not quite sure how big it is, but you don't think it's any smaller than twice your size.
A sudden bout of paranoia grips you as as a strip on the sphere recedes, and you scrabble backwards, standing up in the process. As you stand up, you feel the top of your head brush what feels like two warm spheres tightly constrained in a fabric of some sort.
Suppressing a yelp, you take a step forwards, turning around and looking upwards slightly as you do so.
A massive pair of breasts, bound in tight grey fabric, meet your eyes, firm nipples easily visible. Slowly looking even further upwards, and taking a trembling step backwards, you see what appears to be the face of a human-animal hybrid.
But what kind of animal are you looking at?