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Chapter 2: Sleeping Arrangements

    by: G-Writer
Sleeping Arrangements

Kyle sighed with relief as Jessi finally got up off of him, giving him a “great” view once again of her still ridiculously dirty bum. They had spent the last few more hours of Kyle “watching TV together” (which in reality was her watching TV and constantly chattering while he put up with her shifting and grinding her soiled butt into him with his vision filled by her back and hair). He was at least happy to see that Jessi’s ass seemed, at least relatively, cleaner, until he looked down and realized why.

Apparently the uncovered section of Jessi’s crack had been up against the front of Kyle’s shirt, and Jessi’s constant wiggling and grinding had caused it to be makeshift toilet paper. Most of his shirt now had a giant smearing of the brown/green stuff. Apparently Jessi had noticed as well. “Like, oh my gosh!!! I’m so, so, soooo sorry, KyKy! I knew I should have bought some toilet paper, but I always end up getting distracted and forgetting! I’ll toootally by you a new shirt when we go shopping sometime soon!!!”

Kyle was of course more than a little disgusted, and he wanted to be mad at her, but one look into her angelic face that screamed, “I’m sorry,” immediately made him think better of it. He was starting to get good at forcing smiles. “Well, it’s just a shirt, and I never liked this one anyway. Heck, if I had the money, I would have thrown it away a lot sooner.” This was a lie of course, it was actually Kyle’s favorite shirt, but a shirt WAS just a shirt…

Jessi was nearly in tears of joy as her face broke into one of the biggest smiles Kyle had ever seen. “Hehehe, well don’t worry, I’ll buy you a new shirt every time that happens, KK?” Kyle couldn’t help but smile in spite of himself, the fact of her statement suggesting that this may be a regular occurrence not being lost on him. He wasn’t sure yet if this agreement was a godsend or a deal with the devil, but he had to admit that he was starting to have a weakness for making Jessi smile even as she was making him almost lose his lunch.

Shaking his head, Kyle gingerly started undoing his shirt, not wanting to get any more of the refuse on his hands than he absolutely had too. With his shirt half unbuttoned, Kyle looked up to see Jessi staring at him in complete rapture; at least until she noticed he was looking back. Startled, her breasts and buns were sent a-jiggling like mad as she quickly turned around and covered her face, showing off her trademark full-body blush as she burst into another barrage of nearly incoherent words. “OhmygoshI’msorryIshouldn’thavebeenlooking IshouldhaveclosedmyeyesorsomethingbutI’venever… I’ve never…”

Kyle arched an eyebrow, still not exactly sure what he had done to get this reaction. “Never… what?”

Though he couldn’t see her face, Kyle could just imagine the pouting/semi-ashamed face Jessi made as she answered. “I’ve never… seen a guy undress.”

It was all Kyle could do not to bust out laughing, but he couldn’t stop a small snicker from escaping. He was immediately assaulted by the most perfectly poochy pouty face ever. “Don’t laugh at me… Meany Head.” But as she noticed he had opened the rest of his shirt and was in the process of taking it off, her body was quickly washed an even deeper shade of red as she quickly turned away again.

Kyle couldn’t hold back the laugh any more. As he laughed and Jessi continued to pout and fidget, he couldn’t help but notice how innocently cute she was (and inversely, how at the same time she could be completely oblivious to how she carried her OWN body). “Hahaha. Come on, Jessi, it’s not like I was taking my pants off. Then again… it is about time for bed.” Kyle didn’t think it was possible, but Jessi’s body immediately went an even deeper red, her butt cheeks practically glowing.

Giving her a break from his teasing, Kyle decided it was time to bid his shirt a fond farewell. “Anyway, do you have a garbage can somewhere?” Jessi seemed more than a little relieved for the change of conversation, though Kyle was pleased to see her taking quick glances over her shoulder at him as she replied, still refusing to turn around.

“Yes, I mean, I had one… I’m not sure where it is… I’m pretty sure I had one last week…” Kyle was wondering how she could lose a garbage can in such a small space, until he saw the especially large pile of dirty clothes that had accumulated in one of the corners and hadn’t yet spilled onto the floor.

He should have known better than to disturb the pile’s slumber, but before he could think better of it, Kyle reach out and shoved the top half of the pile to the floor. He was happy to find he was right as he saw part of the garbage can sticking up, but two seconds later he was regretting it. Not only was his hand greasy and sweaty from the god-knows-how-old dirty clothes pile, Kyle had inadvertently released the stink that had been trapped inside. His head was spinning as the smell of decaying BO attacked him full force.

“Oh! You found it! Goody!” Jessi had apparently worked up the courage to turn around and be able to talk fairly normal, though now her eyes were roaming more than ever and she hadn’t gotten any less red. “I’ve been using it for a dirty clothes basket, but go ahead and toss your shirt in there, I have plenty of clean clothes to wear! Hehehe!”

Kyle’s eyes quickly swept the room again, and sure enough he didn’t see anything the resembled a dresser or closet. Which meant… she actually thought all the clothes strewn all over the apartment were clean?! He sighed in exasperation as Jessi proved once again just how oblivious she really was. As he reached towards the lid of the garbage can, a chill ran down his body. If she thought these obviously dirty clothes were clean… how bad did something have to be for her to think it was dirty? Glancing back to see Jessi preoccupied with openly checking him out again, Kyle forced down his growing dread and, braving the smell of the “clean” clothes pile, opened the lid.

If he had thought that the smell of the clothes pile was bad, he had had no idea. The smell assaulting every part of his being at the moment was something like mixing a bag full of used gym clothes with an abandoned gas station bathroom, then having someone eat that mixture and throw it back up again. He tossed his shirt into the bin blindly, his eyes watering too much too see (which thankfully meant he didn’t have to look at anything inside). Even though it had only taken him a few seconds to dispose of his soiled shirt, the stench was proving too much for him. Kyle took a few steps back, tripping over an errant T-shirt, and before he knew it he was out cold on the floor, the expanse of dirty clothes at least breaking his fall.

Jessi seemed unconcerned with Kyle’s fall, flashing another smile as she looked down at his passed out form. “Aaww, he must be like, totally exhausted after all of the excitement today! Hehehe, he’s definitely a keeper. Too bad he didn’t fall onto the bed though… I mean, no, that’s bad, bad, bad!” Her body had finally gotten back to its pale shade, but was once again washed in pink. “At least I get to sleep in the same room with him, hehehe. I can’t wait until tomorrow!” Feeling a bit tired herself, Jessi soon turned off the TV and the overhead light, taking one last long guilty look at Kyle before pushing the Taco Bell wrappers off the end of the bed and plopping herself onto the sweat-stained sheets. Today was the best day she had ever had, and she was optimistic that every day from here out was just going to get better. A content smile washed over her face as she drifted off to dreamland.

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