It's been three weeks since you received Micaela, and you still feel happy and content whenever you hold the little plush Absol in your arms every night. As you slept dreamily in bed one night, wrapped up in a thick warm blanket and holding Micaela, her little body shimmered very faintly. Not enough to wake you up, but enough to give the room a second or two of very dim light. After the light receded, the Pokedoll shifted and stretched her hind legs out, wriggling free of your grasp. Mumbling, you tried grabbing for her again before rolling over on one side and falling right back asleep. Now that she was out of your grasp, not that she didn't love every second of it, she stretched herself out once more and gave herself a little scratching. Being 'inanimate' for three weeks was very challenging, you know. She smiled and looked you over as she began to lightly paw at your side, whispering your name. Inducing the reaction she wanted, which was you rolling over to check what was poking you, she dove out of sight and waited. Your eyes opened sleepily, having been removed from a very lovely dream. "Nnh," you mumbled sleepily, "What was that?" Suddenly, it came to you that you no longer had your beloved plush, "Huh, where'd Micaela go!?" Suddenly, and much to your utter disbelief, the Absol jumped back up onto the bed and giggled, playfully wagging her bladed tail, "Hehe, hello my dear~!" Your eyes widened, and you slowly lifted your left hand and slapped yourself silly, believing this to be a dream. Your face now stinging, you looked down at the foot tall toy and stuttered incoherently, trying your hardest to make even the simplest phrase. The little doll found your lack of wordage amusing, and chuckled as she nuzzled her way into your chest, "Well, I know you can talk, what's got you so silent?" She used a claw and lifted the little tuft of fur that hung over the right side of her face, revealing a tag that said, "Shattered Illusions." Huh, you thought to yourself, slowly regaining your composure, didn't think they'd make toys that came to life. "Well, of course they do! Our prices are a little up there, but this is why we're expensive. We have magic sewn into our bodies, and 'come alive' after a random amount of time. It's the whole reason the company is so successful and..." You quickly lifted up your hand for her to stop and just rubbed her head, "Well, how the company is doing is of no concern to me, but I will say...this is quite the surprise." The Absol smirked and spoke softly, slowly, "Hehe, and, being able to read your mind, I know of your little Absol desires~." Your face quickly flared up as you quickly looked away, out the window into the pitch-black world. She put a paw on your cheek and focused your attention on her again, "And, I can tell you right now, I can make those little fantasies of yours come true, if you want me to." That was quite the offer. Having had a vore and shrinking fetish for several years, the little thoughts buzzing around the back of your head would obviously not go unnoticed to someone with telepathy.
Despite this, the decision is yours to make. So, what do you do?