"Sweet Apple Acres, here I come!" Rainbow said, releasing an ass blast as she took off like a jet. She tore through the skies, wings beating furiously, but never quite reaching top speed... 'Probably just tired,' she reasoned. Soon, she had reached the vast farm on the outskirts of Ponyville, where Applejack was hard at work in the fields.
"Yo, AJ! Need some help with those baskets?" Rainbow said, swooping down in front of her friend, causing her to jump in surprise.
"Consarnit Rainbow! Don't jus' drop down like that! Y'all could give a pony a heart attack!"
"Sorry, sis," Rainbow replied, wrapping a hoof around her friend's withers, "We cool?"
"Sure thing, gal," Applejack said, "Ah've been buckin' these here trees all day. If'n y'all could take the full baskets back to th' barn, Ah'd be much obliged."
"Then obliged you will be!" Rainbow said, grabbing a basked and zooming off.
-an hour later-
Applejack slumped down against a tree and took off her hat, wiping the sweat from her head. 'Only 500 more trees t' go today,' She thought, before her nose wrinkled as a sour smell drifted her way. 'Like an outhouse in summer,' she gagged, before looking reluctantly towards the source - Rainbow Dash.
Her best friend was still hard at work, though she seemed to be moving a lot slower than usual. Judging from the torrents of sweat pouring from her body like a firehose, she had been working just as hard. Probably to work off the visit to Sugarcube Corner evidenced by the pot belly hanging down below her. Rainbow bent over to pick up another basket of apples, and blasted a loud, bassy fart from her jiggling ass right in Applejack's face.
"Th-that's it!" Applejack shouted in annoyance. Rainbow dropped the basket, causing the apples to spread all over the ground. She bent to pick them up, again farting uncontrollably, but Applejack signaled her to stop. "Uh, Rainbow," She said, trying to salvage the situation, "Y'all have been workin' so hard, why don't ya take the rest o' the day off? Ah'm sure ya could use a nap or somethin'."
Rainbow blinked in surprise. Applejack sure was acting strange, but on the other hand, she herself was feeling strangely...