Think it better to play it safe with your two eights, you discard the rest of your hand and end up with another eight, a king of heart and a nine of spades.
Not the best hand you've pulled and it was clearly not the best when all the females around the table showed you their hands. All of them held high playing cards with Krystal and Rouge holding full houses, Amy holding on to three kings and of course as if luck wasn't ion your side Carmelita holds three nines.
"Well bad luck sunshine look like your losing a piece of clothing." Carmelita says with a foxy grin as you with a sigh remove your zip-up hoody and place it aside.
"Ah don't look so glum" Amy said to you in her happy tone. "It not like it over till the weird lady sings right rouge?"
Amy comment certainly got the bat girl on her feet but luckily Carmelita quickly quietens the two down telling them both to settle down. The game return to it quiet state as the dealer begins to deal again with this time your cards being
You Have: K(H), K(S) K(H),1(D),2(D)
Clothing Count:
Player: Zip-up hoody, sneakers, socks, button-up shirt, humorous t-shirt, jeans, boxer shorts.
Amy: Right glove, left glove, right shoe, left shoe, dress, bra, panties.
Krystal: Gloves, boots, flight suit, tank top, shorts, bra, panties.
Rouge: Right glove, left glove, right boot, left boot, pink top, unitard, thong.
Carmelita: Gloves, boots, belt, jacket, skirt, blue bra, blue panties.