He groaned as he sat up on a hard surface, looking around all he could see was darkness beyond a weak field of illumination. Searching for the source he noticed that the illumination was coming from underneath him. Looking down he saw he was on top of a gigantic green gem that was gently glowing. "Where the hell am I?" was one of several thoughts that raced through his mind. Suddenly there was the sound of breaking glass as well as several large shards falling around him, before he and the gem were lifted up and deposited into what he assumed was a sack. An alarm starting to sound a second later, before he could react he suddenly felt the sack tighten around him and whoever stole the gem was probably lifted out by helicopter as it felt like the sack he was in rose for a few seconds before heading more or less horizontally in a direction he was unsure of.
He couldn't do anything more than just lay on top of this giant gem as his kidnappers flew along, after about 5 minutes he heard a sound, almost like a window opening before what sounded almost like heels on tile before the sack was deposited on something and the sack was pulled down. He was momentarily blinded however when he could see again what he saw stunned him. He was in a quite luxurious kitchen, white tile, black marble counter tops, oak cabinets, but more important than where he was, it was who was towering above him that left him speechless. Towering above him was none other than the femme fatale jewel hunter herself Rouge the Bat. He let out a small squeak as she leaned over and plucked him off, what he now realized was a Chaos Emerald. "Quite a sophisticated little robot G.U.N's made to track this emerald."
He didn't have any time to reply as Rouge covered him in her first and began to squeeze, so he did what anyone would do in this situation, kick with al his might, all though he didn't seem to hurt her, the movement made her pause for a second, long enough to get out four words "I'm not a robot!" Surprisingly Rouge let up with the pressure yet she still kept him in her hand, he was brought up to her face and he noticed a small smile on the bat's lips. "I didn't think G.U.N had it in them to shrink one of their soldiers to protect an emerald, don't worry I'll mail you back to your superiors." She started to root around in a drawer before pulling out a plain white envelope "wait, I don't even know who these G.U.N guys you keep talking about are." he yelled.
Rouge replied even while she was writing an address on the envelope "and I assume you don't know what it was you were just sitting on hmm?" He hated to lie but he replied with a vehement "no, I have no idea other than it's a shiny green gem." Rouge stopped her writing "you have no idea?" she asked again. He shook his head as vigorously as he could, he wasn't sure why but he was pretty sure he was safer with Rouge than with G.U.N, mainly because he was pretty sure that G.U.N would try to dissect him. "Alright than my little partner, you're stuck with me."
"Partner? What do you mean partner?" he replied, he was pretty sure he hadn't done anything criminal. Rouge lifted him and the emerald up after stashing the envelope, she walked through her house, he got no more than a few glimpses of black walls and expensive looking flooring before she entered a living room. He and the gem were deposited onto a glass table before Rouge took a seat in front of him "what I meant by partner, is you my little friend showed up on the chaos Emerald moments before I snatched it, that's a bit coincidental isn't it?" she asked. "Wait you saw that, and you stole the emerald anyway?" he replied. "Of course, I wasn't going to let some strange little light show stop me from getting the emerald. Now as I was saying, you showed up right before I snatched it, if they're going to be looking for me, they're going to be looking for you as well." He froze for a moment, letting this information sink in, "well damn it, you wouldn't be willing to just take all the credit and leave me out of this would you?"
Rouge leaned over and patted him on the head with a single finger "it's not that bad, besides do you have any idea how useful someone of your...size would be to me, getting through air ducts, unlocking doors, sneaking into buildings and letting me in, you are the perfect partner." She smiled down at him, "look that's very nice, but I don't really want to work as an accomplice to a petty thief" he replied. "Petty thief!" She replied indignantly "I am not a petty thief, I'm the world's greatest jewel-hunter, yes that means...liberating a gem or two from another's possession, but I am not a petty thief." He simply stood there, one eyebrow raised. After a few moments Rouge sighed and sat back on her couch pouting "fine, I am a thief, but I'm not petty, besides I'd give you your fair share" she said.
"I still don't want to be a thief" he replies, "mmm, I'm sure I can sweeten the deal" Rouge replies, before he could say anything Rouge leaned over and he lifted him up before dropping him into the cleavage of her dress. "I've been quite lonely for a while" she said looking down at him "you'd be more than just my partner in crime, you'd be someone for me to cuddle and celebrate my victories with, maybe more given time, what do you say?" His situation, he had to admit was leaving him flustered, Rouge was already a rather busty character, 4ft tall or not, his relative size was making it so he was surrounded by two perfectly round hills about three times his size. "I...." he tried to wiggle free but he couldn't "I guess I could take you up on that offer, I mean I don't really have anywhere to go "sigh" and if what you said is true I can't really expect help from anyone else as I'm a wanted criminal."
Rouge pulled him out surprisingly gently, "don't worry" she said with a smile "us thieves have to stick together, honor among thieves and all that" she said. He couldn't help but smile as the normally quite cold Rouge was trying to reassure him "thanks...um I never got your name?" Surprisingly Rouge blushed quite heavily before depositing him once again on the glass table "I'm Rouge the Bat, world's greatest jewel-hunter, and you are?" she asked. "You can just call me Tiny" he replied, "really? You don't want me to call you something else." He shook his head no and rouge let out a small chuckle in reply. "Fine, Tiny...