Three months.... Three months since the event, three months since First Sergeant Skyler Williams' life was turned upside down and dropped on its face....
Three months ago
The explosion of the frag grenade echoed off the walls as First Sergeant Williams ran down the hall, stopping and turning on his heel to fire twice down the hall, the sounds of two bodies hitting the floor followed, two shots, two kills. The sergeant got back up and continued running, taking a left then a right, "this is so fucked up" he grunted to himself, the OP was supposed to be a simple in and out, grab an insurgent informant and get out, but that was before the hidden AA battery swatted the Blackhawk from the sky before the mission began. Turning down another hall, Williams could hear the sounds of enemies outside, searching for him and any survivors making him stop and press his back against the wall, he had been running ever since the helo went down, stopping to catch his breath and for the soldiers outside to disperse.
Heart thumping in his chest and ears as the Sergeant caught his breath, closing his eyes and wiping away the sweat, Williams was suddenly hit with a wave a nausea, when he opened his eyes again the Sergeant suddenly no longer found himself inside the dark hallways of an abandoned house, but now in the cool, dimly lit interior of what looked like a ship or cargo vessel. "What the fuck.." he whispered to himself, walking forward, gun drawn as he examined his surroundings, The Sergeant stood next to about ten containers, they appeared to be used for storage of large quantities of items, they felt as cool as the temperature of the room he stood in, but almost as soon as he touched one it seemed to set off some sort of alarm, red lights and a klaxon sounded. Holding his rifle tight and scanning around the room, footsteps echoed everywhere as the inhabitants of this ship came running, looking for a quick exit, Williams found that all the doors refused to open, and appeared to have no door handles.
Just above him on the catwalks a door opened and in ran three people, their features covered by the darkly lit room, but their postures showed they meant business, jumping for cover, Grimm readied himself for a fight. "Come out pirate!" a voice commanded from above, "Surrender now and we'll let you live out your days in security lock up!"