Each step Roshan makes in the dance pattern shrinks you a bit more, and the impact of her heel hitting the ground shakes you a little more violently each time. At the same time, every time she steps her leg gets minutely wider and harder to grip, and you can feel yourself dwindling against her warm, bronze skin. In only a few more measures the only thing keeping you attached to her silky smooth shin is the sheer force with which you're clinging.
Even this can't last forever, and in two more measures you're not even half as wide as her shin bone. Not even your iron determination can compete with physics, and the next time Roshan's heel slams down the vibrations, coupled with your continuing size adjustment, send you plummeting from your perch. You land on top of her foot just as it pitches up again, your perspective making it seem like a great jade yacht that's caught a wave.
You're carried forward as she steps, and when her foot lays back down the momentum, coupled with her heel's incline, sends you rolling down to the studio floor. Roshan drags her toe with her next step, grazing you such that you go sliding across the floor. Her heel sets down again just in front of you, stopping your slide as you bump into it.
You watch from the floor as she continues another turn, her posture and poise held as though she were being led magnificently. Is she doing this to maintain the illusion that you're still dancing with her? Is she actually maintaining an illusion, and everyone else sees a normal-sized you still dancing with her? Could your shrinking itself be an illusion, then? Your pondering is broken when she extends her shapely leg again, setting her heel down before you and slamming the toe down beyond you, trapping you under her arch. No, this at least is very real.
The music stops and the dance is over. Roshan moves her shoe so that she stands astride you looking down. She brushes a curly lock behind her ear with an enormous hand and declares, "Well, my little morsel, you look just about perfect. I've become quite good with this particular magic, don't you agree?" Wait, magic? Morsel?! This doesn't sound good at all! You look at the other pairs around you, and no one seems to have noticed she said anything at all, let alone something that strange. When you look back up you see her bending down, her slender fingers extended to pick you up.