Like the mighty redwood growing from a humble sapling, so too had this change started small.
The cunning eco-terrorist had spent years connected to the Green, and the most it had changed about her was her disposition. She had always considered herself lucky to be one of the few champions of plant-life to go unmutated. the Floronic Man wasn't nearly as pretty to look at as she was and Swamp Thing... was called Swamp Thing. Not Handsome Creature from the Swamp. While she mostly disassociated with humanity, the fact that she had achieved her ecological enlightenment without so much as a scar on her pretty face was something she took no small amount of pride in.
After all, what good was having the ability to control pheromones if she didn't look the part of a seductress, right? Poor old plain Pam Isely would have never gotten the chance to live like Poison Ivy did—all frumpy and mousy. Now that she had been granted a rebirth through the green, shouldn't she live a little at the expense of the meatbags she so willfully exploited?
All that being said, Ivy had been in a particularly irritated mood for the past week or so. She felt drained, her leaves were wilting and her skin was paling. She had been hiding under a hood, laying low where she could by squatting in old boarded up crack houses, long abandoned in a silly game of musical chairs. For six days she hadn't seen the sun, or the Bat, after her latest attempt at Ecological Emancipation had failed. She had been so miserable, and the only thing that could bring light to her life was this precious little daffodil growing through the crack of the Gotham City sidewalk...
And then some jackass in a gas-guzzling Hummer hopped up on the curb and ran over it—ripped it up, right by the roots!
The green-skinned guardian of the green was so upset, and so disheartened by the defeat of such a precious underdog daffodil that she followed the Hummer driver home to his penthouse and ripped up his roots a little. She had finally found an outlet for her terrible outlook, and it came in a tight v-neck, smelled like Axe body spray, and lived on nothing but Monster energy drink. Once she'd had her fun, convincing the neighborhood plants and the mold in his drains to strangle him for a few good hours, Ivy decided to rob the place.
Because why not, right?
And somehow she wound up staring into his refrigerator.
"Ooh..." Ivy licked her lips at the sight of a red and white aerosol can, "Whipped cream..."
Normally, Ivy wasn't much of an eater. She had a trim figure to keep, yes, but there was so much work to be done when you were planning the Roundup Revolution on behalf of the plant life around you that kept one from enjoying a particularly indulgent meal. The craving struck her as odd but, hey, she'd just liquidated a guy. Why not indulge a little, right?
And so she extended one long green pointer finger along the nozzle, and aimed into her mouth.
The poisonous person's heart fluttered as her green eyes rolled into the back of her head. Soft, fluffy cream of sugar hit her tongue and at once she felt the throbbing in the back of her head go away. She had had this headache for so long that she'd almost forgotten what life was like without it! Her mouth filled with the stuff, foaming out of the nozzle with a high-pitched hiss that went on and on and on...
"Mm! Oh my..." Ivy blushed, wiping a dollop of whipped cream from the corner of her mouth, "Danny Danny Danny... you sure do know how to please a woman, don't you?"
She looked over to the withered, emaciated husk that used to be Danny, the Hummer-driving jackass.
"Well, you used to." she snorted, dipping back into the fridge, "But then, judging by that Ed Hardy t-shirt, I doubt that you've ever that at all..."
Before Ivy knew it, the can of whipped cream was gone. Disappeared into her tight green stomach. But she had never felt better. Not once in her life. She was so full of energy, if not a bit thirsty—maybe this douchebag kept some mineral water somewhere? He looked like the type to ironically carry a bottle—and though she had no way of knowing, the color was swiftly returning to her skin.
"I may—just may—be back for some more of that stuff, Danny." Ivy said to the husk as she closed the fridge door, "I mean, it's not like you're going to need it, right? Or that watch."
Or the credit card or the tablet or the car...
"Oh, who are we kidding?" Ivy said with a smile, twirling the key around her finger and reaching back into the fridge, "I'll just take one for the road."
She didn't know why, but she was drawn, almost magnetically, to some of the sugary crap that Danny had in his cabinets. Whipped cream (probably doing whippits or huffing the aerosol—he had a lot of it) and the coffee creamer he kept. But also the cake frosting that he had in the cabinets, and some of those twinkies that he had stashed away.
"I'm having a cheat day, I suppose." Ivy said in a dismissal sort of tone, barely thinking anything out of sorts as she loaded up the passenger seat of Danny's hummer with sugary sweets. "Ugh, look at me. Binging. Driving a Hummer. I make myself sick sometimes..."
She wouldn't need the car long. Just long enough to get to...