Eric came into the kitchen and hung up his phone, "Yeah my mom's ok with it as long as I come home right after. I don't know why she's so worried about me, I'm old enough to vote for fu- for crying out loud…"
Heather, James's mom, patted Eric on the shoulder. "She's just being a mom honey. She worries for your safety of course. My mom didn't stop worrying about me until I was married to James's father, and even then she still calls wondering what I'm up to. Moms never stop being moms."
Eric nodded, "I guess you're right…"
That was when he noticed the same thing James had noticed. Heather was completely flat chested, and her blouse was completely flat, as though it was designed to fit a boy's chest rather than a woman with a large bust. Perhaps James's swap affected more than just their bodies? No one in the room seemed to notice the changes though, so he guessed James had succeeded in making his little sister unaware.
That was when he saw James. James sat at the table, putting food on his plate, and under his shirt, Eric spotted a white bra strap poking out. James's breasts seemed to be pushed up and out more now that they had support, and this made them even MORE obvious than before. His t-shirt had also been resized to accommodate the large bust size James now had, and was no longer straining at the seams.
Eric sat next to his friend and whispered to him, "A bra? Really?! Aren't you taking this a little too far James?"
"I needed support! These things are heavy and I was tired of them bouncing around!" James whispered back.
"You were supposed to put them back…" Eric said, before finally paying attention to the meal Mrs. Barrett had prepared.
Then James's dad got home just in time for dinner. They heard the garage door, and knew exactly who it was. James knew it wouldn't be his brother. His brother was always working at this hour. At first, James didn't think anything of it, until Eric smacked him on the shoulder. James's breasts swayed to the side a bit, even in their new bra, and he realized what Eric was trying to warn him about when he looked down at them.
As Nick, his father, entered the house, James made sure his father was unaware of his current boob situation. As far as Nick knew, his son always had large breasts, though that didn’t mean he had to be proud of the fact… He took one look at James and his very prominent bust, and shook his head before sitting down at the table.
"Hey there Eric, I didn't know you'd be here tonight. You two having a sleepover or something like when you were younger?" Nick asked.
James rolled his eyes, "Dad we're way too old for that now… he's just here for dinner and then he's gotta go. You know how is mom is."
"Good, I don't think I'm comfortable with you sleeping in the same room as my son anyways, especially now that he's gone through his 'growth spurt'." Nick said with air quotes.
James was unsure what he was referring to, but he noticed his mom giving his dad the evil eye. "Nick… give James a break it's not his fault, you know it's just his genetics! At least he finally agreed to start wearing bras!"
"Well he certainly didn't get them from you or me!" Nick said. "It's not like Jordan turned out like this!"
"Nick not at the table, just eat…" Heather glared at her husband.
Meanwhile, James was conflicted between holding back the laughter of watching this whole situation play out, or being annoyed that he was once again compared to Jordan, his brother the golden boy who could do no wrong.