James was still a bit annoyed by what his father had said, and didn't think the clothing change was doing enough to teach him a lesson. He also was finding it amusing how much Eric was opposed to this, and once the power started getting to his head, James knew he wanted to see just how far he could go before Eric lost it.
He focused on another swap as dinner was ending. His father's short hair suddenly sprouted out of his head, growing in length until it was past his shoulders. It turned a light auburn color, and quickly styled into the same manner that Audrey usually wore her hair. Nick flicked his head and his bangs fell back into place, as if he'd been wearing hair like this his whole life.
Meanwhile, Audrey's hair was sucked into her head and she had the short, dark brown hair of her father, neatly cut and groomed. She looked almost like a young boy dressing up as a business man, since she had no makeup or long hair to distinguish that she was female. Of course she still had her same feminine face as before, but the casual observer might make the mistake…
Whereas Nick was now dressed in the same clothing and hairstyle as his 13 year old daughter, thinking nothing was strange. He stood up from the table straightening out his red tunic.
"Well honey that was a great meal, thank you. And good to see you again Eric, but I need to go get changed out of my work clothes." James's father said as he hurried upstairs in his daughter's pink tennis shoes which were sized to fit his feet. His new auburn hair fluttering behind him as he hurried.
Eric shook his head, "Seriously, the morning? You've gotta change them back dude… What is this going to accomplish? He's not even aware of what happened so it isn't like you can teach him a lesson."
James ignored him for a second, "Thanks for the dinner mom." And then he left the table and took Eric aside to talk alone.
James was once again reminded of the large breasts he now carried on his chest, which he had nearly forgotten about. He straightened his new bra, finding it annoying how it still didn't quite fit perfectly, even after being resized to his body. The underwire was pinching a bit, and he couldn't wait to take it off in the privacy of his room later…
When Eric and James were finally alone in the living room, Eric stopped him, "Dude are you even listening to me? You're going too far. What will this accomplish? Are you going to go around convincing everyone you meet that you have tits? Are you going to change every one of your father's coworkers so they think it's normal for him to wear girl clothes to work? And what about your sister? She didn't even do anything!"
"Calm down Eric, jeez you're taking this way too seriously. I told you I'll swap everyone back in the morning at the latest. I just… I am so tired of my dad finding any excuse to talk about how my brother is so much better than I am." James said frustratedly.
"You didn't exactly make it hard for him to immascualte you. You have tits on your chest… And besides, he's not going to learn a lesson if he has no idea it's happening." Eric pointed out.
"Yeah you're right… I don't know it's just fun I guess. I'd let you try out my mom's tits but it still doesn't seem to work on you, I tried again. They're really fun, just touch 'em." James said pushing his chest out.
"No that's fucking weird!" Eric said, as Audrey walked past rolling her eyes.
"Fags…" She said as she headed up to her room wearing a business suit and short hair.