Naruto thought about what wish he wanted, he doubt it'll work so he can wish for anything, like becoming the Hokage, however he stopped.
"No that's too easy, even as a joke." Naruto said to himself, of course he wanted to become Hokage but he didn't want to wish it to be true, no there had to be something else, maybe a life time supply of Ramen? Naruto shook his head no that's too small thinking, he needs it to be less than being Hokage but more than just getting Ramen.
"Why am I even overthinking this, it's not even real." Naruto said, but he supposed it'll help his career to think things through, what else can he wish for?
"Want to go out with me Sasuke?!" Sakura asked across the street, Naruto saw her get rejected by him, Naruto called her.
"Hey Sakura, I'll go out with you!" Naruto said but she glared at him.
"Not on your life baka!" Sakura yelled as she walked away in a huff, Naruto felt deflated again.
"Seriously what the hell does she see in him?!" Naruto growled, it's always Sasuke with her, he's right here, he'd be her perfect boyfriend if she just gave him a chance, but she doesn't and he doesn't know why, what did he ever do to her?
"I just wish Sakura would fall in love with me." Naruto muttered bitterly, however just as he said that the stone in his hand began to glow bright as he gaped at that, shocked at how it react towards his wording.
" way." Naruto stuttered, did it just, activate? He didn't have time to react as the flash happened, he opened his eyes as the stone became normal again.
"Did.....did it do what I think it did?" Naruto wondered, "there's no way, is there?" Naruto just out thoughtlessness just wished that the girl he has a crush on fall in love with him, if this thing IS real, then.
"I have to go see Sakura, I need to see this for myself." Naruto said as he went to go after her.
Sakura muttered to herself as she's walking home, another day of being rejected, again.
"Sasuke will notice me one day, I can't give up." Sakura nodded to herself, it's probably Naruto's fault that. Sakura clutched her head a bit, a groan escaped her mouth, "must have a headache, what was I talking about again?"
Cha, you were talking about how great Naruto is. Inner Sakura chimed in, Sakura nodded to herself and smiled.
"That's right." Sakura sighed happily, she honestly didn't know what she'd do without him, always being there for her and making her smile, not to mention he's handsome in his own right, unlike that jerk Sasuke, she spat in disgust with that, in fact she thought about going to see Naruto right now.
"Sakura!" Naruto called out, she smiled and blushed a bit, ask and you shall receive.
"Naruto!" Sakura happily said, Naruto noticed the difference right away, she's actually nice to him, she even walked up to him and hugged him, he blushed hard at the contact.
"I missed you." Sakura cooed softly, as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, Naruto was stunned, Sakura would NEVER do this, not even as a joke, which only meant one thing, the wish worked.
"I missed you too Sakura." Naruto told her, she seemed to have forgotten about earlier, but that's fine as long as she's his, his grin went wider as she went for a kiss on the lips, which he happily returned, Naruto was overjoyed that he was kissing Sakura. The parted ways as she smiled warmly at him. He held her closer as she giggled at that, enjoying his closeness.
"Not that I mind but, you act like we don't go out all that often." Sakura coyly said.
"Sorry it's just, I'm really happy right now." Naruto honestly said, he dreamt about this all the time, and now it's happening, Sakura hummed happily as she snuggled his chest.
"I'm happy too Naruto." Sakura told him, Naruto was overjoyed hearing those words.
"So, what does my boyfriend want to do?" Sakura asked with a smirk, Naruto nearly fainted in joy right there, the better question is what CAN'T he do, with the wishing stone he can do anything, but one thing at a time, he needed to focus on showing Sakura he's the better boyfriend for her, that Sasuke will NEVER love her the way he loves her.