As the sound of steps became louder, it became even more clear that they were equestrian. Around the corner came two horses pulling a dark green wagon with yellow trimming. Holding the reins was someone in a black cloak. The side displayed a sign saying "Miracle Solutions" in bold print.
"Greetings Traveler!" said the hooded figure. Removing the hood revealed the figure to be a female high elf. She quickly stopped her carriage and jumped off. Lorana kept her hand on her hilt as the mystery woman approached her. Her cloak still covered her body, a weapon could still be hidden. Of course Bryn was still in position, ready to strike the unsuspecting woman should she try anything.
"Halt, come no further! State your business with me or be on your way!" she demanded. The woman took a step back, a look of shock flashing across her face. She recovered quickly, however, and gave a warm smile.
"Apologies traveler! I had forgotten about the recent incidents in this area" she said sincerely. She parted her cloak to display casual clothes and an iron dagger in its sheathe. "My name is Nirva, a humble merchant. I merely wish to see if you were interested in browsing my wares."
Lorana glanced at her hidden friend to see what she thought. Bryn had placed her daggers back but remained hidden. Stay cautious was what she was saying. Removing her hand from Soulrender she approached the wagon.
"What do you sell?" she asked. Nirva seemed to light up with excitement as she opened her wagon to display multiple vials filled with a blue fluid.
"Oh, I sell a miracle potion made from my own recipe. I'll explain, but how much do you know about Alchemy?"
"Nearly nothing!"
"I see, well here are the basics. My elixir increases metabolism in order to burn fat easier! But that's not all! By increasing your metabolism you could also grow muscle quicker! This amazing potion will make you sexier and stonger in a short amount of time for only the low price of 15 coins!" She really had her pitch down.
Lorana was never good at hiding her excitement. She had already snatched a vial out of the elf's hand and replaced it with the money.
"I can't wait to try this out! Thank you so much, ma'am! If this is really as good as you say it is, I'll be sure to stock up if we meet again!" But with that, her eyes got a dangerous glint. "However, if this turns out to just be a hoax I will find you."
With that, Nirva quickly got in her seat and took off down the road. Judging her reaction, she was either a coward or a liar. Either way, Lorana would need to test this potion out on someone who has a resistance to poison. Speaking of which, Bryn left her cover and rejoined her leader.
"Please don't tell me you bought another weird potion! That last one made you sick for an entire week!" she complained. A cold shiver ran down her spine when she saw the look on the warrior's face. "Don't you dare-"
She couldn't finish her statement as Lorana swiftly grabbed her close friend once more. In one motion she squished the girl's face until her mouth opened, popped open the lid, and tossed the vial directly down her throat! Bryn coughed at the rough object going down her throat and glared at her smiling companion.
"What was that for! It'll take me a week to digest that glass!"
"Oh, stop whining. I just wanted to see if what she said was true, or if she was the one causing the dissapearances. If she's selling poison and calling it a elixir, she could earn a fortune and have no one to say she's a fake. You have an immunity to most poisons, so you'll be fine if it really is toxic."
"I'm only immune to toxins that I've ingested before! If she's using a new kind, I could still die!" she explained. Suddenly, the tiny nord gripped her stomach tightly at the vial's contact. Something was wrong. A cold sweat came over her as the effects began to kick in. Lorana was instantly by her side and was attempting to help. She presented healing potions and antidotes, but this was no poison.
Nirva smiled wickedly as she drove away. Another fool had purchased her product. All the money she made by selling her vials was nothing compared to what she got looting the bodies after. The recent string of disappearances were caused by the effect of her miracle maker. She had called it that because it was a miracle she had survived after trying it the first time. The potion wasn't focused on the metabolism at all. In fact, the true effect is to make the consumer...