You struggle against the confines of your Mom's ass but to no avail. Her jeans refuse to move no matter how hard you push, trapping you against the jello like cheeks surrounding you. You hoped that either Liz or June would spot you as they help their mom put their suitcases in the back of the family van but Gwen's butt is so big that you're completely invisible while she is standing up. You figure that the curse made your family as soft in the head as their blubber since it seems ridiculous that Gwen would forget you being wedged against her brown sphincter. All hopes of them finding you is lost as you feel your confines loosen up as the ass you're in sits back onto the car seat it was in earlier and the car engine starts. "All right girls, who's ready for a fun filled weekend with their Mommy?" You hear Gwen say as the car drives off onto the road.
"I am." June yells bouncing in her seat. You can't see her but you can hear her fat jiggle.
"So, what's this place like Mom?" Liz asks from the passenger seat in the front.
"Well, it's been a long time since I was there. So, it might be a little different than I remember, but there is a brochure in the glove compartment." Liz grabs the pink piece of paper and begins reading it out loud.
"Lady Pink's Hotel & Spa is the #1 relaxation resort for women only. We make sure all of our female customers are treated right with our massage parlor, elegant pools, extravagant buffets, and award winning hotel services. Lady Pink's is a place where people can celebrate the female body and feel free to experiment with it in a male free zone. So be sure to leave your clothes at the door, you won't be needing them here." Liz finishes reading the brochure.
"What do they mean leave your clothes at the door?" June asks from the back.
"Clothes are optional there Honey." Gwen answers.
"Mom, why do you want to take June and I to a nudist resort. This place sounds like it's for lesbians." You have to agree with Liz's statement.
"Well, I remember my friend Marge took me to this place a long time ago. Before I had either of you and it was a blast. This is a place where girls could play with their curiosities and it was such an important place for me that I want to share it with you and June. I mean, aren't you a little curious to see what it's like to be with a girl?" Gwen asks, Liz blushes a little as she thinks about it.
"Well, maybe for just this weekend." Liz says. "Isn't June too young for this?"
"Nonsense, June is a big girl. I think she'll like it."
"Yeah, I'm a big girl now." June says from the back seat.
The girls just listen to the music from the radio the rest of the ride. Stopping by about three different fast food drive-throughs for a bite, too bad they didn't get anything for you. The long ride comes to an end as the family van arrives at it's location. Finally the humongous ass you're trapped in moves as Gwen tries to get out of the car. You can't see anything but you hear Liz, June and Gwen pulling out their luggage from the car and walking into the hotel. "Hello, welcome to Lady Pink's. How may I help you?" The lady at the front desk asks.
"Hi, we're the Walkers. Here to check into our room."
"All right. Let me just check our system." You hear her fingers typing on her keyboard as she checks the computer. You push with all your might against the giant cheeks to your sides. You're actually able to move them just a crack big enough for you to look outside your Mom's crack. You see the hotel has a large ground floor with a pink and white motif. It looks like it should be in Las Vegas or something. Your arms give out and the walls around you close up, returning you to darkness. "Okay, here you are. The Walkers reserved for three, right?
"Yep, that's us." Gwen says.
"All right, here is your room key, you are on the fifth floor in room 503. We hope you enjoy your stay here, beautiful." Your family makes their way to the elevator and up to room 503.
"Here we are girls. Now let's take off these clothes and get comfy." Gwen says ash she and her daughters begin to undress. You feel the jeans covering your mom's posterior push against you and send you down to the ground then tossed into the corner of the room, followed by your sisters' pants and shirts. They don't notice you underneath those quadruple extra large articles of clothing they tossed on you, giving you a chance to look at the room. It's a large pink and white hotel room with two super large beds facing an equally big TV. Speaking of big things, as your sight moved towards the beds, you see three large, pale, blobs of blubber which must be Gwen, Liz, and June's naked bodies. The three girls then remove their bras and panties and absentmindedly toss them at you, with Liz's pink panties landing on your face. It's made even worst by the brown, sweaty skid mark that lays across your face. The three ladies now look at each other in their naked glory, June then notices the bit of hair grown around Liz's pubic mound.
"Why do you have hair down there?" The little girl asks innocently.
"That's just my pubs squirt. You'll get them when you reach puberty." Liz tells her younger sister.
"It looks fluffy. Can I touch it?" June asks, her cheeks turning red as she blushes a little. Liz nods and let's June run her fingers along her downstairs carpet.
"Mommy has more if you want to play with her pubs Darling." Gwen sits down on the bed and lifts her gut while spreading her legs, showing her daughters the big, hairy hole that they came from. June wastes no time from playing with her sister's pussy to massaging her Mom's. The young girl's fingers rub all along Gwen's labia majora as her pussy juices leak out. "That feels good. Now lick Mommy's vagina Sweety. Eat out my pussy." June starts with a gentle lick, testing out the taste before diving in with gusto. Liz then grabs a large, flesh colored dildo from her suitcase and sits on the other bed, watching the show while she diddles herself with the large phallic device. Liz's tits are so huge that her nipples are inverted, forcing her to dig in her boob and find her nipple with her free hand, so she could twist it while masturbating.
"Mommy, your pussy tastes so good." June says as she dives her face into Gwen's pussy folds.
"Less talking, more eating." Gwen places a hand at the back of June's head and face fucks her. "Good Girl. OOoohh. That's Mamma's little carpet muncher. You must be really hungry." June's hand travels down to her own hairless cunt, and starts rubbing it like she's trying to start a fire with it.
"She's always hungry." Liz says as she turns on the vibrator between her legs to max settings, her lustful moans matches her mother's. You can't believe the sight you're seeing but you've never been so turned on in your life. You start stroking yourself to this incest filled show, it's like your hand has a mind of it's own.
"Here cums Mamma's Honey. AAAAGGGHHH OOOHHH!!!" Gwen and Liz both climax, as a wave of love juice washes over June's cheeks. Liz's eyes then fall upon you in the pile of clothes and your heart sinks as she realizes you're there.
"Steven!?" She says while closing her legs which pushes the vibrator deeper inside her and the others are made aware of your presence.
After telling them about what happened earlier, with Gwen sitting on you and forgetting, they aren't mad at you. They are just embarrassed of what you saw them doing out of context. "You see Steven, Lady Pink's is a special place where girls can explore their curious tendencies in a safe, judge free zone. What happens here stays here, and if you promise me you won't tell any of this to anyone, then I see no reason to punish you for sneaking in here with us."
"But I didn't sneak in here, I was trapped in your butt." The three girls then giggled as you said that.
"Now come on Steven, don't be ridiculous. If you were in my butt and tried to tell me, I think I'd feel you." Gwen says with the utmost confidence. "Now Steven, it's very important that you don't let anyone see you here. This place doesn't take kindly to boys, but we'll worry about that tomorrow. It's bed time." You look over and see that there are only two beds, so you'll be sharing with someone.
"Steven can share a bed with me." June says, her face is still covered in Gwen's cum and strands of long red pubic hair is stuck to her cheeks, lips, and teeth.
"Or me." Liz says, her vibrator still sticking halfway from her vagina.
"Well, Steven. Who's it gonna be?" Asks your Mom.