Lance tried to angle his head back, but a hoof from Bulldozer gripped him tight and shoved his muzzle right back against it. As if an afterthought the helmet was torn off and tossed aside with a clang. The musky fluid that slathered over the rod that was almost half the size of Lance ground all over his face, covering his white fur in messy fluid as he tried to resist the huge cock grinding against him. Lance should probably have seen this coming...
Then the flared fat tip of the cock started to stretch. Before Lance's eyes the urehtra stretched open, gaping in hunger as it salivated pre all over the rookie's face, covering him in the musky, thick fluid. "Afraid it's a one way trip, rookie," Bulldozer grunted loudly as Lance stared into the steadily yawning and fleshy abyss... then Bulldozer gave his first hard thrust.
There was a lewd and wet slap as the massive cock crashed into Lance's face, the widening cock slit clasping around the stallion's muzzle, the pink flesh stretching around to squelch noisily around his face. "Mmmmpppphh!" Lance finally found his tongue in time to scream into the depths of Bulldozer's cock, earning another lewd grunt from the big stallion as he almost drowned Lance in pre. Feeling the rookie try to pull back, his hoof clutched harder at Lance's mane to push him the other way.
"No worming out this one, Rookie... hope you like the taste of cum," Bulldozer said before letting out a low chuckle. His sweaty hoof ground back and forth against the back of Lance's head, getting itself ready... "Deep breath now," the stallion grunted, giving Lance a second to squeal and then pushing his head forwards in one direction, while thrusting his cock in the other.
The loud and lewd squelch echoed around the entire bathroom, followed by a roar of pleasure as Bulldozer's throbbing cock was now wrapped around Lance's shoulders, the Rookie's head showing as a clear and wriggling bulge inside the length of the fat and flared shaft, every detail of his muzzle etched into the tight skin of the throbbing pink mass.
For Lance everything was a tunnel of pulsing pink, the cock throbbing in hard pulses, dragging Lance deeper into the horrendously musky tunnel of moist warmth. "Mmmppphh!" he screamed again, desperately yelling and flailing as best he could, but with another pulse the shoulders were gone, his forelegs locked to his side by the trapped joints. All he could do was wriggle his hind legs, his slender rump bouncing and shaking as the taller stallion stood over him, effortlessly cramming him into that throbbing and pulsing cock.
Slurps and squelches accompanied every sinking inch of the unfortunate rookie, his armour still clinging to his chest, the smooth and slick metal earning more grunts of pleasure as his stomach was squeezed into the slick and wet pipe. Pre squeezed out around him, forming a belt of fluid around his waist, before the ooze dribbled down the bulging shaft to splatter into a steadily growing pool on the ground.
Lance's face was just now bulging the black spotched base of the cock, the drooling tip just advancing to his flanks. A loud slurp and Lance saw the tunnel twist, his muzzle driving into a more open space. The air was somehow even muskier, the overwhelming stench of male virility filling his nostrils, so overpoweringly strong. His own sheath stirred as his comparatively miniscule shaft slipped from its trappings, slapping against the massive cock beside it as his hind legs still desperately wheeled in mid-air.
"Buck... you really know how to squirrm," Bulldozer grunted in delight, rolling his hips as he kept on thrusting hard, his hoof cupping Lance's rump as he squeezed the rookie inside of him, cramming him deeper and deeper with every push, his cock bulging wider as those hips sink, one cock being slurped up into another. The rookie's face wa snow clearly displayed against one of Dozer's sagging balls as he gave another hard shove to Lance's ass, squeezing it inside and leaving just those legs remaining.
Those hindlegs kicked and shook, trying to avoid their end, but Lance's spasms only heightened Bulldozer's pleasure. The larger guard let go of the ass as it vanished, and the stallion then turned to face the wall. "Get... in... there," he growled lustfully as he pressed those kicking hindhooves against the back wall, forcing them to flatten, and then the hard thrusts resumed. More muffled cries and begs came from the increaisngly swollen balls as Bulldozer railed those legs against the wall, each thrust earning a loud squish and more inches of hindleg until Lance was up to his ankles.
Two hind hooves pressed together, wriggling weakly as the only things sat on that fat cock tip. Bulldozer groaned in delight, lifting his own hoof to lightly rub against them, teasing the soft, delicate soles of the rookie and making them shake against the lips of his flared tip. "Damn, rookie... you really know how to please a superior..." Bulldozer groaned as he gave the soft cleft in the hoof a last tickle and then pushed hard. With a final squelch, Lance was fully sealed inside.
Bulldozer's swollen and fat balls grew fatter with every inch of Lance being crammed into them, the bulge in his shaft steadily sinking with rhythmic pulses, compacting the stallion and curling him up and inside the swelling sac. "Not... fast... enough..." Bulldozer grunted as he flopped down onto his ass, it slamming intothe ground as his huge, bulging cock pointed upwards and to the ceiling. With both forehooves he took hold of either side of his massive cock, felling the bulges inside, and then starting to work them down.
Lance squealed as he felt his lower body being compacted harder, Bulldozer's hooves squeezing him downwards, and stimulating himself further. Already the rookie's white fur was soaked through, covered in a cummy mix as the balls bounced and squeezed... but now he felt himself softening, the cum working against his skin. Hips bulged out the splotched base of the shaft, and then with a slurp they were pulled down too, followed quickly by the legs in one long and steady suckling.
With a bounce the swollen balls stretched to their widest, becoming huge beanbags full of the squirming shape of a rookie as Lance tried to fight his way out, even as he softened. The balls audibly churned, gurgling like a stomach as Bulldozer kept on working his cock, pumping his shaft, the muffled cries of the stallion being churned into ball batter inside only making him pump harder.
"Celestia's... engorged shaft," Bulldozer groaned in pleasure, his muscular thighs squeezing against those sloshing beanbags as gurgled cries continued from inside. Lance's entire body burned, an indescribable sensation spreading through him as he desperately hammered against those balls. The imprints of hooves, and then his muzzle pushed out against the taut flesh, stretching out as the stallion was clearly visible inside.
His next hammering hoof earned a squish... and then he felt his hoof collapse, his entire foreleg just falling apart with a splatter, dissolving into a mess of cum that splashed back into the pool. The rookie tried to scream again, howling in terror, but it was a wet gurgle, cum spilling from his lips as already the process had started inside of him. The ever more filling pool worked its way up his body, reaching his shoulders as he tried to keep his remaining hind hoof and neck above the pool... but it was all for naught. Bulldozer gave his nuts a big squeeze and with a splat Lance fell apart into seed, only his armour left floating in the otherwise purely liquid mess.
Then Bulldozer came, the stallion roaring in pleasure as his massive shaft erupted, the thick tube pulsing as the tip splayed open and hot, thick and sticky seed came roaring out. His cock was spurting like a geyser, splatting the hot and thick fluid all over his crotch and the floor, completely coating the floor in the messy and thick cum, it rushing from his thick cock to splash and splatter in all directions.
Again and again, the cock pulsed, the hose erupting with more and more, every throb earning a splatter of the thick white seed. For a moment it seemed to stop, but then the stallion gave another squeeze of his cock and out came flying a golden backplate, the armour completely coated in the cummy remains of the rookie that had worn it as it loudly clattered onto the floor, another spurt of cum splattering on top. After several gallons of thick and sticky seed the flow finally stopped, a last throbbing of his generous shaft giving way to nothing.
Bulldozer let out a last groan, before rising to his hooves, looking down at the distinctly equine shaped splatter of cum, the armour still seeming in just the right spot. "I'll go and get the janitor, sit tight," Bulldozer said with a grin, before trotting off chuckling. Lance didn't have much choice but to do just that... the rookie nothing more than a puddle of stallion spoodge. Maybe next time he shouldn't try to bullshit superiors.