As you look over the photos, you worry that none of them will ever feel like they fit. As the Doctor's phone rings, he scans through the message. Swiping it away, he looks over the three of you.
"Agent Laughlan." The tall agent nodded.
"Agent Cochran." the shorter agent nodded.
Agent Laughlan cleared his throat loudly, interrupting the doctor's little introductions.
"Have you ever done a Federal Mind Relocation before?" The emphasis telling the doctor this wasn't meant to be brief holiday, or sex-perience for the wealth.
Smiling weakly, the doctor looked apologetic. "I'm Doctor Hilton, and I'll be performing the procedure today. I was just a little startled by such a familiar name, and didn't...." His voice trailed away.
His reaction could have been predicted. Your testimony was on record, your name too, part of the court record. The Mob's attempt to smear you as a pimp, a womaniser and a proficient liar brought into the public record. Even so, you face was unknown. Well, unknown to the public. You scowl, as you look down at the options for your future.
"What'll happen to my old body?"
Doctor Hilton looks you over, regret clear in his eyes. "That'll be lost part of your relocation, I believe. A corpse wasted in an accident, proof of your passing."
Agent Cochran cleared his throat this time, the doc clearly guessing too accurately how the Bureau would use it to complete their tale.
"There's no going back." Lachlan added firmly, "So forget about it."
Oddly Doctor Hilton sounded more offended that your body would be used as a source for organ donations, to save lives, and redeem your previous deeds.
Thankfully for all the variety, you'd regain a decade or so of youth. The women were all young enough to be new in their field, and easy to relocate, or about to start at university and reshape a new life.
Their beauty made you squirm, knowing how you'd have helped them if they'd approached you if they'd felt vulnerable and alone. You've been outplayed by the FBI again, and making your choice as randomly as you can, you stab one of the pictures.
One woman will be as good as the other.
"Her." you say as flatly as you can.