You outstretched your hand towards Zack, feeling nervous and a little scared. "'s nice to meet you, Zack." You tried to hold it back, to not show any difference. You looked up at him, he seemed very imposing, but before you knew it, it looked like he started to get bigger. No, no you just got smaller again.
It wasn't a small hit either, this time you lined up just with Yukiko's breasts. Zack's hand grew in yours as you lost a foot of height. The apartment felt different, the people around felt different. Almost like they were looking down on you now, like you were less to them.
The giants above you kept their conversation on, and you joined in, as much as you could anyway. You kept getting cut off, or talked over. A few times someone else walked by and bumped into you. All the while you noticed the world growing around you, and before you knew it, you were only 3' 4". You barely reached above Yukiko's hip, Rachels Leg was almost as tall as you, and Zacks crotch was directly in front of your face. The worry started to well up in you, and you clung to Yukiko closer, feeling like she might help you.
"Hey, little guy, don't get too close to my girl, I'll get jealous." From behind you another voice came, turning around you saw Mark walk up, 5' 10", your original height. He walked to you guys and wrapped his arm around Yukiko. But...they weren't dating before. This was new, like the world just made it happen.
You looked up at Rachel again, As she looked at you with a smirk. "Come on, let him have some fun. Not like he could get a girl being so small any way." She laughed, and everyone else did too. You felt it again, the sinking sensation, now at a smaller 2'4" Mark spoke again.
"Thanks for bringing the little guy over, he always livens up the party."
"Happy to, need to let him get out sometimes." ____ responded