Alphys was working on something for mettaton's Fabulous Party, A Attachment that allows mettaton's to use his lighting bolts to inflate anything it sparks as long that she has power,
"OH Alphys Darling! Are you almost done?" Said mettaton doing a dramatic pose, "M-Mettaton! Watch It! I-I'm Still working on Y-Your Attachment!" Alphys said getting annoyed by mettaton for messing alphys up FIVE TIMES All ready, after a hour of working on mettaton's attachment, it was finally completed! "Finally! I-I only took 3 hours b-but it's complete! Now Mettaton I need- O-Omg are you serious?!" Alphys said seeing that mettaton had power'd down for alittle while, "i-i have to do everything a-around here..."
"Ok, This Is Metta Power 6 Test Number 1, Getting Ready to fire in 3... 2... 1... F-FIRE!" Alphys said firing mettaton's new attachment, hitting a rubber balloon, and then it does nothing, and wondering why it didn't work, alphys walked up to it and checked out the balloon to see if it actually did anything and the mettaton attachment malfunction, shot alphys and dealt 10 Hp to her
"W-What tht Heck w-was that???" Alphys felt a sharp pain in her stomach, looked down and saw her starting to inflate! With every breath she took she inflated faster and faster, it kept added to her already ballooning stomach, so when she noticed, he held her breath which worked for a while, but after awhile it started to toll on her, she held it, heck she even ducktaped it so she didn't take a breath until it started to backfire, it started to inflate her again, even faster, it was getting to the point where she couldn't even move, it started to spread to her limbs, her highs swelled, same with her arms, her stomach starting creaking and groaning, after 10 minutes it finally stopped, what used to be a small yellow dinosaur, turned into a yellow blimp, after another 10 minutes mettaton woke up and saw a giant yellow balloon, realizing that yellow balloon was alphys tried to help but then got a call, "Not Now Burgerpants!" Yelled mettaton "I know Mettaton but we have some bad news... one of our blimps, and balloons popped and we don't have a spare..." Mettaton stopped and looked at alphys and took a thought, she could...