Makoto stood still for a moment, preparing to engage in discussion with the other people who had each divulged their own identity - but then he had another thought. One that might help the group a lot more than simply standing around and talking about what happened.
Sure, many of the members of the group weren't comfortable sharing their identity while they were all together... But what if he asked some of them after the group had split? Maybe some of them would be willing to share if he asked them personally! Or, at least, they wouldn't be fully used to trying to act like the person they were masquerading as, and it would certainly be a lot easier to tell who it was based on their personality ticks. For example, if he talked to Toko right now? He was sure her trademark stutter would come through in a high-tension situation such as this.
Most importantly, he desperately hoped people wouldn't double down on their new identities. What if people later became more comfortable with the idea of becoming the other person, and attempted to take over their new life? That'd be a lot easier to put a stop to earlier than later!
With that in mind, Makoto turned away from the entrance, the drilled locks of hair he now owned swaying in the air from the rotation, and looked at Kyoko and the others.
"Uh... I actually need to go check something, do you mind discussing without me?" Makoto said. It certainly felt odd to hear Celeste's voice without the accent she put on - especially when it was coming from himself. "I'll make sure to come back and answer anything you need!"
"...Yes, that's fine." Kyoko responded after a short pause. "You can ask Taka for the details later."
Taka seemed confused for a moment as to Makoto's intentions, his brow momentarily raising. However, after Kyoko's confirmation, he instead pointed forward, exclaiming, "Yes, that is fine! Be punctual during your return!"
Makoto couldn't help but note that Taka was forcing his voice outwards even more than usual - probably to compensate for his higher pitch and smaller tone, he assumed. At the same time, though, it felt like... He sounded sort of paranoid about something?
No way that's the case... Taka's one of the most self-assuring guys here. He even revealed his identity before anyone else! He's definitely confident he can handle all of this, somehow.
Ignoring those thoughts, Makoto turned around, the clack of his heels resonating throughout the gym's walls.
"Thanks, I'll make sure I see you lat--" Makoto stopped talking as he slipped to the side, almost tripping in his new heels, "" Finishing the thought, he finally left the gym.
Outside, Makoto made sure not to leave too long after anyone else. Unless someone was running (which he doubted - it would bring them way too much attention), he doubted there wasn't anyone he couldn't catch up to out of the people who left.
Awkwardly fumbling in his new heels, Makoto edged himself closer towards the wall to keep himself steady. The roughness of the bricked texture definitely felt harsher on his newly sensitive skin, the softness of his own touch distracting him slightly.
"Focus, focus..." Makoto breathed and sighed. If nothing else... At least he was technically a real Ultimate now, right? Although he wasn't sure how well he would do in practice as a Gambler. Maybe that 'Ultimate Luck' he had would supposedly come his way around now?
Either way, Makoto looked forward at the scene in front of him. Some people were clearly walking quite slowly, still figuring out their new comforts and discomforts, while others were changing their clothing entirely to suit their new way of life. For a moment, Makoto thought about taking off some of Celeste's more 'high maintenance' outfit pieces, but he figured it was more than a little bit disrespectful to do it right here. Maybe he would do it once he was back in his (or, well, Celeste's, he supposed) room.
The question was, would Makoto be able to approach someone in time? Or would someone else approach Makoto first, taking advantage of his short period of disorientation to catch him off-guard?