"You..." Makoto suddenly heard a deep voice behind him, causing him to momentarily stumble in his new heels. Before he had a chance to turn around, the person had grabbed him firmly by the wrist, dragging him forcefully to the side of the hallway.
"...Are coming with me." Despite the sudden shock, Makoto thought he could almost make it a voice pattern he recognised in the unknown assailant's speech. Before that, however, he was quickly spun around, made to face his sudden attacker.
"S-Sakura..?" Makoto stuttered out, before realising the mistake he'd made. Even though it looked like Sakura, it obviously wasn't actually Sakura. But then, he wondered, who was it?
"Take a guess." She responded, with a voice that certainly seemed odd to Makoto. Maybe he was hearing things, but that strange accent certainly seemed thicker than anyone else's within the rest of the group. Even with Sakura's deeper voice, it had that same feeling of artificialness that a certain someone else. At least to him, it seemed like the person inside of Sakura's body was...
"...Celeste?" Makoto guessed again, tilting his head to the side and feeling his drill of hair extend downwards in that direction, causing him to need to quickly pull his head upwards.
"Unless I am attempting to bluff you, of course, and this is an elaborate lie crafted to make you believe me... But you, of all people, would never assume that, no?" Celeste candidly responded, still holding on firmly to Makoto's wrist. Even though Makoto's original body was hardly tough, he certainly wasn't used to the daintiness of Celeste's...
"Uh... Celeste? You're hurting my arm a little... Or, your arm?" Makoto pointed his other hand at Celestia's manhandling of her own body, accidentally using the metal finger claw that his new body wore. Despite coming close to poking himself with it, he had to admit - it did look pretty cool.
While her grip slowly loosened, Celeste did not entirely remove her hand from Makoto, keeping a slight amount of pressure on him. "Hm... I am willing to make the bet that you will not run away after I release you. I will say that this different body does allow me to get my way quite a bit easier." After talking, she finally unhanded Makoto, who took the opportunity to dust his frilly sleeve quickly.
"You are simply too honest for your own good..." Celeste pondered out loud, keeping a pristinely graceful pose in spite of her new stature, "Telling everyone that you were in my body? Getting yourself killed while using my face would be more than problematic, no?"
"Well, er..." Makoto faultered for a moment, still not used to talking using Celeste's voice. He almost wanted to put on that fake accent she used just to make it sound even slightly more familiar. Almost. "I didn't really think about it like that. I don't see any reason why anyone would want to kill over someone like this! Nobody would be that dissatisfied with who they really are, right?"
"I have my suspicions about that," Celeste responded swiftly, placing a finger against her chin - a finger that was much larger than she expected, it looked like. "But, adaptability is key to survival, and that is all that matters. Therefore, you shall assist me in doing so."
Makoto recoiled backwards slightly, more than a little alarmed by Celeste's straightforward nature at the moment. "Wait a minute, isn't this the part where you'd manipulate me into doing something bad? Why would you tell me you're Celeste, and not say you're actually Hina, or someone else?"
"Oh? Do you not trust me?" Celeste asked leadingly, leaning forward to (likely) intimidate Makoto with newfound stature.
"It's not that..." Makoto responded, "I believe you're Celeste. I just don't understand why you're telling me that you're actually Celeste."
"Hm. Have you considered that, perhaps, you should not trust me? What if I was someone lying to you? I have given no evidence or proof, yet you believe me. You will assuredly get my body into all sorts of trouble with ideas like that..." She drifted off for a moment, before quickly adding, "Oh, but if you did want to ensure I am myself, I wore my black-spotted lace panties today~"
Blushing at the implication of the statement, Makoto lowered his gaze slightly, "N-No! That's alright, I believe you!"
"Good!" Celeste declared, peaking around the corner once again to ensure that nobody was coming in their direction still. They were still more than far enough away from the gym to be out of earshot of Kyoko, Taka, and the rest. "In that case..."
Makoto looked back up at Celeste: clearly, she already had a plan in mind, something to help herself (and, by extension, Makoto) survive their time in the Killing Game. The issue was, knowing Celeste, there was virtually no way to tell if the request would be a devious plan, an honest proposal, or simply some other request to make of Makoto. Either which way, Makoto feared that he had no choice but to accept in doing whatever it was, for fear of Celeste getting even more physical!
And thus, Makoto listened to...