There was a brief time in the life of Piper Black where she was thin.
All throughout her childhood, Piper had been fat. Growing up poor with a mother eager to band-aid her divorce with copious amounts of cookies, takeout, and quick fixes had never done her any favors. Not only had a lifetime of comfort food left her as the fattest kid in her class, it wasn’t long before she was the fattest kid in her school! By the time she had gotten to middle school, Piper Black was big enough around that she had trouble fitting into desks, and an even harder time getting them to not creak underneath her. Her mother, Harper, had seen the warning signs—she’d put her baby girl on a strict diet, made sure to cook at home more often, and then she let nature do the rest. By the time Piper’s metabolism kicked in, she had shed a good eighty pounds and kept the remainder in all the right places. By the time she entered high school, Piper was a busty, broad-hipped bombshell with dark hair and killer taste in the punk scene. Her active lifestyle of scampering around Daven’s Port on adventures and the shrinking budget of a broken home life meant that Piper simply couldn’t afford to be fat.
But all that changed when the baby came. Little Hunter was an expensive ball of love and black curly hair, and that meant that everyone had to buckle down. Harper went back to work, and so did the rest of the Black women. Her older sister got a job on her feet, but Piper lucked out and scored a neat job where all she needed was good service and she could work right from home. With everyone in the house working again, that meant that there was plenty of portions to go around. The cubbards were filled with snacks again, the freezer stocked with ice cream, and takeout was no longer a once-in-a-while option—in fact, she could afford to have it every day of the week!
It didn’t take long for old habits to resurface. The fat girl that had been sealed away within Piper by the twin gates of poverty and diet was unleashed with a reckless fury, making up for lost time as she scarfed her way through the many moons that she was kept at bay...
And then some.
“What’s it say, what’s it say?”
Standing on her own two feet for so long was like agony for Piper Black now. As she was, almost six hundred pounds, hefting herself from the living room down the hall and into the bathroom, stepping onto the scale and standing there while it calibrated had really knocked the wind out of her. All without a snack to tide her over too—that was the hardest part of this diet. She’d gone so long getting to eat whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted, that the thought of going even a few minutes without something to drop into her hollow leg was lip-bitingly frustrating.
“Let me bend over, god.”
Piper winced as she felt her older sister’s hand push into the bottom of her stomach, propping it up like an avalanche of pizza dough. It hung all the way down to her knees and stuck out far enough that they’d had to push the scale back so that her stomach didn’t get caught on the towel rack. Her fat toes ached, her legs screamed. What she wouldn’t give to just be able to sit on a scale for this…
“Come on, Parker!” Piper whined, “Just read me the goddamn numbers already!”
“It says five hundred and ninety seven pounds.” Parker grunted as she rose to a standing position
“But judging by all these extra inches, I’m guessing your fat ass just broke it.” Parker palmed a portion of Piper’s prodigious paunch and shook it up and down, up and down, forcing her entire volume to jiggle and quake like a flabby earthquake.
“Fuck off, Parker!” Piper groaned, “I knew I shouldn’t have asked you to help me with anything!”
Piper began to slow, laborious process of storming out. She was so big now that she had to make sure to take her time, turn sideways, and step gently out the door so that she didn’t get stuck. That was the last thing that she needed right about now—getting stuck halfway in the bathroom with her bitchy older sister. That would be a riot.
How had it gotten this far? How had she gotten so fat, so fast? It wasn’t like she was trying to bulk up, it just sort’ve… happened! But then again, all the extra food that they could afford now that everyone was working. The trips to the bakery and Big Burger, plus the fact that she didn’t really have to leave anymore unless she wanted to go hang out with friends… yeah, that probably had something to do with it.
But to be almost 600 pounds at just twenty years old? Piper was gonna have to start cutting back if she wanted to stay mobile!
Not that laying around the house couldn’t be fun, just…
She’d only lost three pounds after a week of dieting. And she was starving! There had to be an easier way, right?
Maybe if she got out and cleared her head…