No one in the Yeng R&D department was particularly excited when it was announced that they’d be getting a new intern. Even the manipulative Dr. Helen Schwartz and her sadistic sidekick Dr. Evie McCarthy weren’t phased by the idea. The interns, they were all the same—college undergrads with no real interest in the services that the Yeng Corporation provided, nor any higher purpose for being much other than another of their consumers somewhere down the line. They’d come, they’d go, and it had all become so painfully dull. Not everyone was a Piper Black, you know.
As hum-drum as they could make it sound, Helen and Evie were hardly what you might call domesticated scientists. They’d spend their days twisting and warping their colleagues, coworkers, and even superiors to fit their devilish desires. Helen, a master of psychology and the workings of the inner mind who loved to “improve” upon her subjects, Evie, a passion for tweaking and testing the biology to satisfy her twisted taste for fear and fat. They were quite the pair; and unfortunately, this new intern didn’t quite fit in.
She was some rich girl, fresh from some pompous overstuffed preparatory school in the mountains and “getting life experience” before she settled into what would surely be an equally unimaginative business major. Half the time they couldn’t even be bothered to remember her name.
“Evie… Schätzchen… I’m only going to ask you this once.” Dr. Schwartz raised an eyebrow as she stood, hand on hip, in the middle of the doctor’s lab. Her accent was thick and at times, quite intimidating. “Did you try to drug me?”
Many knew of Evie McCarthy’s horrible habits when it came to the overweight. But very few, including Helen, knew just where that attitude came from. Evie delighted in teasing, torturing, and most importantly further fattening the already obese. Plenty of patients found themselves expanding, then being reprimanded to uncomfortable and creepy levels by the tall waifish doctor, but very few were aware that it was simply fuel to her fetish.
“I would never do such a thing and you know it.” Evie said without looking up from her microscope, “I’d be far too afraid of what happened if you found out it was me.”
“Well somebody has made a very misguided and unsuccessful attempt at slipping me the VX-32 serum.” Helen held one well-padded arm in front of her, holding a pale blue file with the aforementioned labeling on it, “And, if I am not mistaken, you are currently in charge of that particular appetite stimulant, ja?”
“Ja.” Evie in mimicry of Helen’s accent as she slid out from underneath her desk, kicking off with her long black legs and halting in front of the chubby blue-haired doctor, “But it wasn’t me. I respect you far too much to do something like that. When you finally let yourself blow up, I want it to be entirely your fault.”
“Ach.” Helen pinched the bridge of her nose, “I swear, you can have such a one-track mind.”
So if it wasn’t Evie… who could it have been then? The number of people who had the clearance to enter both Helen’s office and Evie’s lab was incredibly slim. And the number of people who would even begin to know what they were looking for in Dr. McCarthy’s lab put that number even lower. Not to mention the dangerously slim pickings of people who thought that crossing either of them was a good idea…