Piper grabbed her last sandwich out of the bag. Gripping it with her teeth, she picked all the wrappers off her straining shirt and stuffed them in the bag. Crumpling the lot into a ball, Piper aimed for the garbage can in the corner, which was made rather difficult due to the sheer size of her arms. Lining up and firing off her jump shot, sans jump, Piper felt her fatty flesh drag wetly across herself, but smiled as she sank her ball of wrappers.
"Nothing but net," she mumbled as grabbed the sandwich from her jaws and took a large bite. As she bit into the sandwich, she felt a large glob of ketchup drop onto her breasts. Thankfully it missed her shirt, leaving a large blob of tomato red and grease on her gigantic right tit. Wiping her lardy mammary off with her finger, she slurped the digit clean before taking another bite.
Her attention was now drawn to her almost cartoonishly oversized breasts, resting heavily on her gargantuan belly. She smooshed her elbows into her tits, confirming what she already knew. Namely, that her boobs were basically giant, definitionless water balloons filled with Crisco.
"I wonder how much my boobs weigh? 30 pounds each? 40? Christ, 50 pounds a piece? If my gut wasn't so f*cking huge, my spine would have shattered by now."
A soft gurgle sounded from her bottomless stomach. Piper was far from enamored with her sheer size and poor physical shape, but her dominant organ was undoubtedly much happier with the current state of affairs, and she was slightly uncomfortable with the pleasant sensations coming from her well-stuffed belly.
"Well," she thought a little sourly as she leaned to her left, struggling to bend as her huge rolls crushed into each other, "I guess round is a totally legit shape."
Piper grunted softly as she forced herself over that last inch, her fingers finally catching the edge of the plastic container. Grabbing it, she leaned back, placing her prize on top of her lardacious tits. Opening the box with a loud plastic pop, she revealed the treasure within; six gooey, jumbo sized cinnamon buns, all smothered in a thick layer of cream cheese.
She knew this wasn't her best idea, but they smelled so damn good. And she was on a break from her diet, so she should cut loose. Besides, with how big she was, who'd notice another ten or twelve pounds?
Piper ripped out a bun with her bare hands and took a big bite. "F*ck, those are good," she said as she licked off the cream cheese that had smeared around her lips. "I'm so gonna miss these when I'm back on my diet."
She felt a twinge of guilt and worry in the back of her mind as she thought about that. If her willpower was so weak after not even a full seven days, could she even hope to succeed? Or was she just doomed to eat and eat until she disappeared into her fat? I mean, forget getting her high school body back; at this rate, she wouldn't be able to walk.
"I wonder if that's the key, then," Piper thought as she devoured her sugary, calorie laden goodies. "Rather then focusing on losing weight, maybe I should just aim to get in better shape and be more mobile."
Piper looked down at her couch-crushing body, leaving the furniture underneath almost a mystery. "Feels like a safe bet my high school bod isn't coming back."
Of course, the next question was how to get in better shape? Eating better was obviously the first step, a thought Piper punctuated by stuffing another cinnamon bun into her face. Thinking about her piss-poor willpower, Piper bit her lip as she thought, "I don't know if I can do that. The other option is working out, but what exercises could I even do? I'm twenty and I can barely walk. Swimming, maybe? But I can't afford the pool fees alongside all my other expenses, and what would people say about me? And if I tried the ocean, I might get my fat ass harpooned, or get sucked out to sea, too weak to swim back..."
Piper's self-defeating thoughts and massive binge were suddenly interrupted. A fast-moving blur made its way into her vision, and launched itself at her before she could even blink. She felt the fat on her right arm, boob, and belly get almost painfully squished in odd ways as the projectile landed, and she barely managed to catch the bakery container before it fell to the floor. The speedy little love-leech gave her a tight squeeze as she happily said, "Squishy!"
"Hunter! What have I said about jumping on people!?" Harper called from the door, still struggling to take her shoes off.
"It's okay, Mom," Piper said as she wrapped her free arm around Hunter. At least, that's what she thought she said. Piper had stuffed what was left of her pastry into her mouth to free up her left hand, so instead it sounded like, "Ddds ugh-kay, mm!"
Piper swallowed heavily, nearly choking on her gigantic mouthful, but managing to get it down with only a slight cough. "How come you two are back so soon?"
"Well, we were having a good visit with Bubby, but someone was being a little antsy about getting home." Harper ruffled that particular "someone's" hair as she hugged her bloblike sister.
"Aww, I missed you too, sweetie," Piper said as she felt Hunter squeeze her a little tighter. She kissed the top of her younger sister's head, thankful afterwards that she hadn't just accidentally gotten sugar in her hair.
Piper was extremely close with Hunter. With Harper working two jobs, and Parker alternating between work and play, she was the one who was always at home, looking after her younger sister. Whether it was playing with her, reading to her, keeping her fed and clean, etc., it was always Piper. She hadn't minded at all, more then happy to look after the little bundle of joy. In a lot of ways, Hunter almost felt like her own daughter, a feeling which only got stronger as Piper got fatter. She was somewhat worried that she'd ejected herself from the gene pool, denying her own chance at motherhood. I mean, it's not like she wanted to have kids at twenty, but someday she did, and who'd want to be with someone as big as her? "And, to quote Austin Powers, literally, how would we do it? I'm so God damn fat, the sheer mechanics are mind-boggling."
How mutual the feelings were became clear when Hunter started to speak and referred to Piper, not Harper, as "Mommy." It had taken her a couple weeks to clear that up, but Piper was pretty certain she'd gotten it sorted out before their Mom heard her middle child called her title. Of course, how she did had led to her rather unfortunate nickname. Parker, the sibling she was still somewhat afraid of, was "Sissy," while her far rounder sister became "Squishy."
While Piper was fairly certain she'd kept her Mom from learning her baby saw her middle child as the primary parent, Harper definitely felt like she'd lost a lot of time with her youngest child. Now that she had a single well paying job as opposed to multiple sh*tty ones, Ms. Black was trying to spend more time with Hunter. This weekend at Grandma's was just the latest in her attempts to reconnect with her.
It was a process that wasn't always well received. Hunter really wasn't taking any separation from Piper all that well, and although she kept her peace, Piper was also feeling lonely without her constantly around.
It was also nice to feel needed. Piper had gotten so large that anything more then basic tasks were beyond her capabilities. Between her extreme measurements and how fast her limbs tired out, even washing the dishes could be a trying experience. As time passed and the situation only got worse, the other two Black's had begun to depend on her less and less, though they never made mention of it.
Well, Harper didn't. Parker did, although she had been bitching about Piper since birth, so this was hardly anything new and unexpected.
Hunter, though, never cared how big she was, or if it took her longer to accomplish something then her Mom or eldest sister. Whether it was helping her color, reading a book, or just cuddling her to protect her from a thunderstorm, she depended on her completely, and Piper had not been ready for how much of a gap in her life Hunter's absence would entail.
That's why Piper was overjoyed when Hunter looked up at her and asked, "Can you he'p me find Chikken Li'l?"
Piper smiled and answered, "Of course." She moved the now empty container to the end table, happy to begin the difficult process of rising once again.
(A/N: Just to warn you, but I am not comfortable with child gain at all, so please don't expect any.)