It was hardly an uncommon thing for Piper to be in the kitchen. After all, with how difficult it was for the youngest Black to get around, it made far more sense for her to simply reman where the food was, rather than go through the laborious process of lifting her hundreds of pounds of blubber every time she felt the need to snack.
Which, of course, was pretty constant nowadays.
Piper Black, put simply, was huge. She had long surpassed her mother’s already concerning weight, and was looking to be well on the way to doubling it. Two barstools disappeared into her asscheeks, the seats completely swallowed by bare, blubbery butt. Technically, Piper was wearing a pair of booty shorts, but they were so inadequate to cover her that she might as well have not bothered. The metal legs of the stools bowed under the weight they were forced to bear; even split between two, it was above their rated capacity. Harper had already foreseen the day when they would succumb to her youngest daughter’s obesity and collapse underneath her, and had ordered a new set just last week. She just hoped that they would last until the replacements arrived. There was a worrying creak as Piper shifted her bulk, immense legs swaying a few inches from the ground. Resting atop thighs that were bigger around than a chubby girls’ waist, was a belly to match, a three-layered mountain that flowed over her knees and sagged over her hips. It was left fully bare, Piper having given up any hope of finding a shirt that would cover the wobbling mass. She would have liked to eschew the ordeal of covering her chest, as well, with how tight literally every garment was around her gigantic mammaries, but it was also a fact that she needed any semblance of support that she could get. Those twin globes were twice again the size of her own head, heavy enough to pull her forwards if she leaned too far. That was a present danger, as she was stretching over the table to reach a plate of pop tarts, arms struggling to move past the booby barrier. There were three plates already empty, plus a pizza box. And it wasn’t even nine in the morning.
Well, with a mother like Harper, what chance did Piper’s waistline have anyway?
“Morning, Piper. Did you leave me anything?”
Piper swallowed a large mouthful, looking a little guilty. “I was saving you the pizza, but everything else was taking ages to cook, so….” She didn’t need to finish. Really, it was a stupid question from Harper. Piper hadn’t grown to her size by NOT consuming every morsel of food in her general vicinity. Harper sighed as her own stomach rumbled, reminding her that she wasn’t exactly the picture of restraint herself.
“It’s fine, I’ll pick something up on the way to work.” More junk food…..because that’s just what I need….
“Speaking of work, I better…..” Piper glanced at the clock, and crammed the last handful of pop tarts into her waiting mouth. Washing them down with a hefty gulp of cola, she began the process of standing. The barstools put her at the correct height for simply dropping onto her feet, but she had put them too close to the table, and was struggling to shift herself into a position where her fatty form would give her some space. The black tee she had forced herself into tore a little at the side as her titanic tits bounced, arms waving uselessly. The stools began to wail in protest, and Harper felt the need to lend a hand, if only because it would be easier than lifting Piper from the ground. Once stood, with her mother’s gratefully accepted assistance, Piper took a few seconds slumped over the table to catch her breath. “.....huff…..huff…....Thanks, Mom.”
Harper followed Piper through the corridor, noting how close she was to brushing the walls with her hips. She needed to wake Parker up, and the office where Piper was heading was the right next door.
“Hrrnn! C’mon..!” Piper grunted as she shoved her mass through the door into the spare bedroom, flopping down into the bench seat in front of the old PC with a satisfied puff. Piper had been working in this setup for a while, and it showed on the bowing of the sturdy bench. Piper’s just could possibly be described as a “fake email job”. Even Piper wasn’t sure if she actually did anything, or even if her bosses knew that she was still an employee. She dreaded the day when she had to actually go into the office.
“I’ll be off soon, then. Have you got your phone? You can ring if you have any trouble.” HArper couldn’t help but worry. With how fat Piper was, she had constant visions of her youngest falling whilst the house was empty, and being unable to rise herself.
“Yeah, it’s in here somewhere.” Piper rooted around for a very long time in her cleavage. “You better wake Parker up.”
Harper nodded, still worried. Her eyes drifted from Piper’s wobbling form to the exercise bike being used as a clothes rack, a relic of the one time that Harper had tried to get the family into fitness. Naturally, that was a failed attempt. It had seen very little use, unlike the mini fridge next to Piper’s workstation. She tried not to grimace at the contents as Piper grabbed a sugary beverage to start her workday.
knock knock knock! “Parker! Are you awake?”
KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK “Parker! Answer me!”
More silence. Harper sighed, and then threw open the door to her eldest daughter’s room, finding her still snoring. Now, Parker weighed about….