Congrats! You've adopted a mature hucow, who either isn't cut out for a farm, is a rescue from a closed down farm, or a escapee from a currently operating farm. No matter where they came from, they've got a home with you now!
As I'm sure you know, this program of ours started only a few years ago in select cities, and you are our first branch out from those cities! With the support and eagerness of regular people like yourself, we hope to one day see all hucows treated with the same personhood as everyone else. In this endeavor, we hope that you too have overcome your preconceptions about their shape and urges, and will treat them like a member of your own family!
It's important to note that your hucow may not be as educated as their age would suggest, especially if they are a rescue. You may need to teach them to read and write, as well as other basic schoolings. We do offer online classes and other materials for this, but we leave this for you to decide. Additionally, calling back to those urges, it is important to talk with your hucow about these, how to control them, and when to embrace them. For them to be happy and healthy, these urges will need to be fulfilled every now and then.
Their diet can be the exact same as a human, though it should be noted to emphasize green vegetables, as they will have a proclivity and aptitude for putting on additional weight, especially during their more fertile periods. Which, they may imprint on you and seek you out for breeding, if you are capable of such. It is your responsibility to guide them through this and not take advantage of their willingness to sate their reproductive urges.
Again, thank you for your service to those in need,
H.R.C. (Hucow Rehabilitation Committee)
You set the letter aside as you lazily discarded the junk mail, you smiled with excitement of the arrival of your hucow in a few days. You had already prepared a space for them in your home on the outskirts of your city, and acquired some appropriate reading materials and food them.
The letter had assumed your intentions, but only you knew what they really were.
But! Who were you?