Tina was overjoyed with happiness, she finally got her hands on Sasha`s brother. Jumping into her car, she put in in drive and drove out of the school parking lot. Sasha at the front of the school stared in disbelief as she saw Tina`s gray sedan drove out of the parking lot, and out on the road. The roaring engine kept getting further away, until the noises of the other cars was the only thing to hear. Sasha felt defeated, the one task she had of keeping you safe had gone down the drain.
Meanwhile in Tina`s car inside her panties, you had woken up. "Oh man what happened back there" You thought to yourself, you remember you felt you`r soul get separated from your younger sister and got attached to someone else. You could not see a thing as a giant pink cloth was blocking you`r view, "Sasha must have switched underwear after her gym" you thought to yourself. But then, Sasha was not the girl who would wear pink underwear. You had at least not seen it when you did the laundry a few days ago, when you where still big. Trying to figure out where you are and who you are with, you felt a pressure in what you believe was the person`s bladder
Back to Tina driving her car, she started feeling her bladder give in. She had forgotten to go to the toilet at her school, seeing the next ramp. She drove off and pulled in to the closest gas station, Tina lived out town with her parents so she used this gas station a lot. Pulling up, she drove into a parking space and got out. Rushing into the gas station, she ran into ladies room and found an empty stall. Pulling her shorts and underwear down, she sat down on the toilet seat and got to business.
------------------ YOUR POV ------------------
Light flooded your view then darkness right after, coming back to you`r senses. You could only stare down a toilet bowl, then out of you`r mouth. Salty yellow liquid gushed out, above you. You could hear a relieved sigh, the voice sounded familiar but the echo in the bowl made it unrecognizable. The pee continued to gush out of you, this lasted for a few seconds more. Until the stream became weaker and weaker, until it was empty. You then heard a loud rip, as a large piece of white paper got wiped across you`r face. It wiped up the pee that was stuck on you, while it also spread you a bit. "Seems like you woke up" You heard a female voice speak, this was definitely not Sasha. Trying to figure out who it was, the pink pair of panties hit you leaving you back in darkness
------------------ THEIR VIEW -----------------
Tina got her panties and shorts back on, and got up from the toilet seat. Closing the lid, she pulled the lever on the toilet. Sending her urine down to the sewers, going out of her stall. She washed her hands at the sink, drying them with a paper towel. She headed out and got to her car, opening the door. She got in and started the engine, driving out of the gas station she drove to her home. Her home was quite big, as she descended from a family of wealth. Her dad was the CEO of the company behind, best selling cereal in the world. He was rarely home as he was on a lot of business meetings, her mom on the other hand was the CEO of a fashion brand namely focusing in lingerie. So Tina got a lot of clothes from her, Tina did also not have many friends as her mom was strict on who she got to talk to.
Pulling into the driveway, she drove up to her house. In front of her was a lot of expensive cars which her family owned, she was tired on seeing them. She just wanted to live a normal life for once, parking her car in the garage. She walked straight to the house, opening the massive entrance door. She yelled "Hello" but nobody answered, nobody must be home she thought to her self. Closing the doors and locking them, she walked down the hallway to her room. Her bedroom was pretty average for being in a huge house, putting her bag on her chair. She walked towards her bed and sat down, staring into her room. She looked at it, "It`s to big" she thought to herself, in reality she wanted a small place to live and not in this rich person home. She was bored and wanted someone to talk to, she had a lot of friends. But she felt most of her friends was just friends with her cause she was rich, she did however have one to talk to and that was you.