You shoved the guilty thoughts from your mind, chastising yourself for even thinking of them in the first place. Berating yourself further, you dived headfirst into proving to Chelsea that she’d receive the best damn massage of her entire life, your own safety and cleanliness be damned. Whether she was asleep or not, you were not going to take advantage of your friendship and her trust in your like that.
Dutifully, your kept diligently at your task, massaging every single speck of skin on Chelsea’s left and right foot. Your rubbed your hands along her heels, kneaded the flesh of her soles, and wedged yourself in between her toes to clean out any leftover gunk. Chelsea slept peacefully the entire time, only occasionally eliciting a soft, satisfied moan. You even started to enjoy the ability to make your titanic best friend so relaxed and happy.
Three hours passed by, and Chelsea finally stirred awake. Hands numb, you were in the middle of your third round of massaging the sole of her right foot. As she shook awake, you dropped from her foot and took a few steps back to allow the brunette giantess space to stretch and reorient herself. Blinking sleepy eyes, Chelsea gazed down at you, and then at her feet, which practically shimmered with purity and sterile sanctity.
“Geez Tom…my feet feel amazing!” Chelsea beamed. “Damn man, you work wonders!” She flashed you a coy grin. “Can we make wagers like this more often?”
You shrugged, your entire body sore. “Eh…let’s keep it infrequent. For my sanity.”
Your gigantic dormmate noted your body in fine detail and crinkled her nose. “OH, god! Tom, I’m super sorry!” She said, no doubt referring to your hands and feet, caked in dirt and grime, and your clothes soaked with sweat, both yours and Chelsea’s. A faint stench permeated your entire being.
“Comes with the job.” You confidently replied. “A masseuse is a thankless profession.”
Chelsea smiled warmly. “Well then…thank you.” She delicately picked you up and carried you into the bathroom. She filled up the sink with water and closed the drain to prevent any accidents. Letting you down on the counter, she dabbed a bit of soap into the watery pool. “Clean up a bit, and we’ll talk about thanking you.”
Eyes widening in both confusion and anticipation, you could only watch Chelsea smirk gleefully and walk away, leaving you alone in the bathroom to clean up. Stripping out of your gross clothes, you hopped into the makeshift sink pool in cannonball style.
Five minutes later, there was a knock at Chelsea’s door, and she opened it to find an out of breath Amy, glasses askew and dirt marks on her beautiful face.
“Amy?” Chelsea frowned. “Did you trip and fall in the grass outside?” Amy’s cheeks flushed, and Chelsea knew she had found her answer.
“I…w-was just coming over…t-to make sure you were ready. We leave in thirty minutes.” Amy explained, setting her glasses down and trying to smooth out her wrinkled blouse and skirt.
“Ready for…” Chelsea titled her head, and then gasped. “Oh god! That is today, isn’t it? I totally spaced and didn’t even remind Tom! Damn, I was hoping for more quiet time with him. I’ll…uh…throw some stuff together real quick.” Turning from Amy, Chelsea began rummaging around in her drawers for some clothes and other necessities. Amy focused her gaze on the bathroom.
Looking over her shoulder to Chelsea, Amy spoke. “C-can I…wash up real quick?”
“Totally.” Chelsea answered, head buried in her cabinet of swimsuits and lingerie. Taking her cue, Amy pushed open the bathroom door and strolled inside, a bit surprised by the filled sink and clout of bubbles. Thinking nothing else of it, the massive blonde dumped her hands into the water, cupping them.
In the middle of finishing your quick bath, you hadn’t even seen Amy enter through the haze of bubbles, and so let out a muffled scream when her hands suddenly plunged into the sink on either side of you. Panicking, you had no idea which way to swim, and found yourself hoisted into the air as Amy raised her palms and splashed the warm water right into her face.
Flung from her hand, you slapped against her cheek, thankfully crashing into her smooth skin back first. In only a moment later, Amy grabbed up a towel and rubbed her face, dragging off the dirt particles and drying and sweat and water left. Sadly, this only flattened your squishy body out, like a sticker on her cheek, rather than peel you free.
Still as oblivious as ever, Amy unplugged the drain and left the bathroom. You could only dully think about how you would’ve been sent straight down into the sewers by the walking disaster known as Amy if she hadn’t swept you up onto her cheek. It was a weird sensation to stare out from her face, see what she saw, and yet be one-hundred percent invisible to her.
You got a full view of Chelsea’s perfect ass as she finished bending over to stuff some belongings into a small suitcase, and then she stood up. Looking at Amy, she seemed poised to say something before locking eyes with you and breaking into laughter. Amy pouted, thinking she was making fun of her.
Grabbing up her glasses, Amy slid them back on and frowned. “What? What’s so funny? I cleaned off the dirt!”
Chelsea giggled. “You…may have…added something else!”
Amy furrowed her brow, glanced in the closest mirror, and spotted you. Narrowing her eyes, she scratched you off her cheek with her fingernail. Chelsea continued to laugh, until Amy curled back her finger, and flicked you into the trash can. That stopped Chelsea’s fit of enjoyment.
“What, no! Amy! That was Tom!” Chelsea exclaimed, rushing over to dig you out.
Amy paled. “It was? Oh no, Tom, I’m so sorry!” She cried.
Thirty minutes later, and Chelsea stood beside Amy out in the parking lot of the dorm building, waiting for the bus to arrive. You were safely in Chelsea’s palm, though still a bit rattled from the whirlwind of the past half hour.
Chelsea had filled you in that Middletown was offering a weekend stay at a beach resort roughly five hours away, and that the bus ride down was today. The student expenses covered the bus ride, hotel room for three days, and any on-site amenities (like the spa and private beach). Tinies, as long as their giantess dormmate had paid to attend, were allowed to ride for free, and so nearly each girl had their miniscule dormmate with them.
After digging you out of the trash, Chelsea had gathered some of your spare clothes per your instructions and slipped them into a small pocket on her suitcase. You caught the briefest glimpse of several scandalous swimsuits and couldn’t help but feel a bit excited to spend a whole weekend with Chelsea at a beach resort.
Or at least…you would’ve been excited if not for the fact that Chelsea’s assigned roommates were the worst possible candidates. Having been given an exuberant suite at the hotel, Middletown wanted to group up the girls. Each suite had three beds, so each group had three girls. And, of course, Chelsea’s first roommate was none other than Amy.
Standing to your right, Amy eagerly rocked on her heels, ready for some fun in the sun. Her jiggly breasts nearly spilled from her low-cut blouse, and you could just barely make out the head of her tiny dormmate Eric poking from between her tits. For some ungodly reason, Amy had decided tucked between her boobs was the best place for the poor boy, and you just knew she’d forget about him in minutes.
That left the other roommate as…
“Hey, you two! Ready for a great weekend!” A fake-sounding voice happily called out. Chelsea turned to look, and you saw the fear-inducing, black-haired giantess stroll merrily down the sidewalk, rolling suitcase in hand. Her tight tube top and curve-hugging short shorts left absolutely nothing to the imagination.
“Sup, Jessica?” Chelsea said. “You sound more…enthusiastic…than normal.”
Jessica feigned surprise. “What? I’m always stoked for some fun with friends!” She chomped on her gum loudly. “And hello to you too, cutie!” She bent down to look at you in Chelsea’s hand, an innocent grin on her face.
However, you caught the cruel glint in her eye, even if no one else around you did. You also watched her luscious lips smack together, working her gum into overtime. You knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that that gum was actually her tiny dormmate Jack, but there wasn’t much you could do about it to stop her.
The bus finally pulled up a minute later, and everyone piled on. Aside from Chelsea, Amy, and Jessica, there were about fifteen other girls heading to the resort for the weekend. Eyeing the cuties despite yourself, you remained cautiously optimistic that maybe, just maybe, this weekend would turn out alright after all.
What happens next?