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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #2180063
You gain the ability to swap bodies with any one by wearing a item of their clothing

You gain the ability to swap bodies with any one by wearing a item of their clothing

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Your mom Lilly is 48 years She is a large lady around 260 pounds, average height, short shoulder length hair, she has a pretty face for a overweight woman, huge E size breasts, a large ass, with a large overhanging belly. She always seems happy we never hear her complaining she keeps our house tidy and takes great care of my 2 sisters and my self. She always seems to be trying one diet or another or exercising but never seems to loose weight. She has a weird dress sense often wearing tight Lycra pants that do nothing to hide her figure the Lycra stretches so tightly across her ass you can always see her brightly coloured panties.

Over the years its become quite evident that dad has lost all interest in her and they rarely do things together. More often than not he comes home from work late in the evening after we have all gone to bed and on the weekends he is always away playing golf or something.

Your just an average 16 year old into hot girls, playing baseball and video games. You never really thought much about your mom apart from hear being caring and always there for you and your sisters you mostly took her for granted.
About a year ago your thoughts started to change they became really weird and grew more and intense as time went on. It all started when one day when I was home alone I went into moms bathroom looking for some scissors. I noticed a huge pair of light pink panties on the floor they were made of some sheer transparent fabric and I could clearly see the damp stained gusset the sight initially repulsed me and sent a cold shiver down my spine.
However as the day went on I kept thinking about them I had to go back and have another look. When I returned to moms bathroom to take another look I became slightly turned on. Without a second thought I picked them up for being so big they felt really light and soft the tag said size 28. I ran my hand over the gusset part of it was quite damp they were heavily stained without thinking I brought the gusset to my nose and inhaled deeply the scent was strong and musky I loved scent they held. I ran my tongue over the gusset my taste buds exploded with a mild tingling sensation.

My cock became as hard as steel I never felt an errection like that. Again without thinking I removed my shorts and wrapped the damp gusset around my rock hard cock and started jerking off with thoughts of fucking my large mother when I came it was with a force I had never experienced before it was amazing. As the months progressed my sexual desire towards my mother became stronger and stronger, I would smell, taste and jerk off in moms panties on a daily basis my dreams were filled with thoughts of me fucking her and during they day I would gaze upon her with lust while I would watch her move around. If I saw her bend over the sight of her huge ass would get me as hard as a rock I’m amazed she never noticed.
As time went on my thoughts and dreams changed from wanting to fuck to wanting to be her. I wanted her large body to be my body those panties should be my panties that should be my pussy rubbing against the gusset of the panties not hers. These obsessive feelings grew stronger and stronger each day. When I was home alone I went from jerking off into her panties to wearing them in fact I would wear the entire outfit she placed in the hamper. Her clothes were way to big for me I pulled apart a heap of old pillows I would then step into a pair of her dirty panties and pack them with the pillow stuffing making the shape resemble her large ass and belly. I would then step into her Lycra yoga pants and pack them out with the pillow stuffing making my thighs and calves resemble her large body doing the same with the rest of her clothes. As I stood in front of the mirror the body looked exactly like hers everything fit perfectly. I could smell her scent come off the dirty clothes it was intoxicating, it was a rare treat when I got to wear gym gear as that scent was pungent with a mixture of sweat and deodorant. Another rare treat was when she would have her period i would take a used sanitary pad from paper bin in the bathroom and reattach it to the panties this made me feel a lot closer to being her it was bittersweet as I was left the thought that that should of been my body having that period not hers. I needed to be her so badly my thoughts were obsessed with finding ways to make that a reality
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2180063-Bodyswapping