Izuku flopped onto the ground and rolled across the hallway. Luckily it was still early, so no one was up.
This feels so weird to move, he thought to himself.
After deciding where to go, he decides to go to Tsuyu Asui. She was used to having mutant quirks which change your body, so maybe she can help him.
He rolled into her room and tried to yell, then remembering that he couldn't talk.
Somewhat angry at this, he crawled onto the bed next to the sleeping Tsuyu. He tried to wake her up by shaking her, but something weird happened. He suddenly felt himself seep into her skin!
What's happening? he thought, horrified. Everything went black for a few seconds when suddenly he could see again.
"Ugh... what was that?" he heard himself say. Rather, it wasn't his voice... it was Tsuyu! He got excited and said, "Tsuyu, you're a--"
Suddenly, he realized the voice was coming from himself. He looked at his hands. They were big and boney... like Tsuyu's!
"What's happening..." he said out loud. He turned to a mirror to see none other than Tsuyu Asui looking back at him!
"What the hell?!" he said, suddenly, hopping up. "How did this happen? Am I Tsuyu?!" he shouted.
He looked at his reflections - it was true, he was Tsuyu. She was wearing a night gound and slippers. He looked at her body - and more specifically, his womanly parts. He looked down and saw two lumps on his chest.
"T..Tsuyu's boobs!" he whimpered, grabbing them. They felt... good, oddly. Suddenly, he took his hands off.
"This is wrong, I can't... hmmm.." he stated, "Maybe a very quick peak... for scientific purposes! I must learn to use this! Besides, it's likely a dream anyways."
He slowly took off her night gound to reveal her boobs in a white bra and her panties. He looked down her whole body - her nice cleavage, her empty waist, and her beautiful butt. He felt so guilty and felt like he should have left her alone... if he knew how.
He grabbed her boobs again and moaned softly. "This feels so weird and different..." he quietly said. He also noticed how unusual it was to talk with her tongue being so long. He played with it for a minute, snickering.
Suddenly, he heard a voice from his head. What's happening? Why is my body moving on its own?! it said. It sounded horrified. Tsuyu must have still been aware of this!