As a high school graduate, on the way to college, your parents told you to stay with your uncle for a few months to look after him. This bummed you out since you were suppose to spend the summer with your friends and go to the beach to get some rays and check out some boys. Now, you have no choice but to stay with your uncle's house. The strangest part is that you never knew your uncle until your parents told you about him. So you wondered who your uncle is and why you were kept in the dark.
When the bus arrived at the neighborhood, you stepped out of the bus and surveyed the neighborhood. It looked lime a normal neighborhood, but there are a handful of people giving you a strange look at you. Though considering that you are wearing a belly top with navel ring on your belly button and showing off you cleavage, blue jean shot shorts, and a pair of high heel sandals, you really are a sore thumb in the crowd of conservative. But you brushed it aside and searched for the house your uncle currently lives in. As you look at the address on the phone, you realize you've noticed this place before! It's a large house with a tall gated fence and security cameras all over. You'd wondered for a while what kind of person lived here. Who knew it was family?
"Do you know this guy in the house?"
You heard the stranger and turned to him, swinging your long blonde ponytail hair around, and answered, "Well... Yeah... He's my uncle. Though I never knew that he's my uncle until my parents told me about him a few days ago. Why? Does anyone knows of him?"
The stranger shrugged it off and said, "You could say that. If you're staying in there, a bit of warning. Be careful in that house. Your uncle likes to live there in secrecy. Rumors have been spreading that he has been working on something really strange. We don't know what, but I've been hearing strange noises in that house and lights going on and off from time to time. It's really hard to know what he's working on, considering he's been in that house for months, if not years. So my advice, expect the unexpected. It might change you, be that bad or good."
He soon walked away from you and your uncle's house. Looking on, you sighed and said, "Pft... Whatever..."
As you got up to the gate, you entered the code your parents sent and the gate is unlocked. Passing the gate, you could see that the house is much bigger than you expected. Almost like multiple rooms and so many places to start. Maybe if you find your uncle, he can give you the grand tour. That is of course if you can find him. Walking up the steps, you approach the huge doors and ring the bell. You waited for a minute and yet, no one didn't answer. So you ring again, and again, nothing. Loosing your patience, you approached the huge doors and heavily knock on it. But as you were knocking, you see the door started to open. "What the...?" you asked as you wondered if someone broke in or not. Knowing that is opened, you let yourself in and entered what is the grand hallway with a long stairway and a chandelier hanging above it. You stare in awe and was amazed that your uncle was living the life. Unfortunately, it looked like a mess with papers strewn about, dust on the chairs, and cobwebs on the candelier. It was almost like no one lived there for a long time. Yet the man that you talked to said that there have been some activity for months now. Knowing that, you call out you uncle's name.
"Hello? Uncle [redacted]? Are you here? It's me! You're niece! Mom and Dad told me about you and wanted to visit you in the summer. Are you there?"
You waited for a response, but didn't get anything, not even a peep. Groaning, you said, "Of course you're not here. Why is it that you have the door opened. Better start finding you to see if you're around." So you look what's in front of you and wondered where to start.