The three girls grow and grow...and GROW! With every passing second they expand out in every direction, with their feet bulldozing cars, trees, people, and anything else unlucky enough to be in their paths.
When the process finally ends, the three slutty looking girls completely dwarf their surroundings. They're so big that the largest house barely clears the delinquents' ankles.
The tallest of the three, a tattooed bad ass with multiple piercings and wild blue hair recovers from the shock of growing quickly and cackles, "Well, so much for sending us to juvi hall now!"
"Fucking aye, Tori", a second giantess sneers in agreement with the blue haired girl. This second delinquent, named Cynthia, is quite pretty, but also a little fat. Unfortunately though, thinking that she has the hottest body on earth, this girl dresses in the tightest, most revealing clothes she can find.
The third girl, Svetlana, is the daughter of Russian immigrants. A helpless junkie, Svetlana has spent the last couple of years doing anything she can in order to get high, to include robbery and prostitution. Being a natural beauty, Svetlana has never had any trouble finding a boyfriend, but her addictions have made her neglect such things as regular baths and such.
By themselves or together, these three girls were more than a handful for the authorities, even when they were normal sized. Now that they stand a couple of thousand feet tall and each possess the strength of a god, though, there may be no way of stopping the three cruel, self centered hell raisers.