Olivia was packed in 5 minutes. She brushed her teeth combed her hair in another 5 minutes. Her mom was already at the door waiting, “are you ready Olivia?” Olivia responded by walking out to the car.
On the ride to Jeremy’s house Olivia daydreamed about what she and Jeremy would do. She hoped that they could watch a movie or maybe the would go out for dinner. Her thought process was interrupted by her mom, “honey looks like Jeremy is waiting for you better go meet him.”
Olivia opened the door and got out. Jeremy walked up to greet her, “hey Olivia how are you?” Olivia nodded, “good! What are we doing tonight?” Jeremy led her inside to her room and explained the plan, “tonight my mom is going out for a business meeting. Dad is still at work so we get to be home alone.” Olivia’s face lit up in excitement, “really?!? We get to be home alone?!” Jeremy continued, “l’ve set up Avengers Endgame on the tv, made popcorn, and set up the pullout couch. We are set for the night.” Olivia was ecstatic that she and her crush were going to watch a movie without any adults.
Jeremy led Olivia to the lounge where There was true to his word the pullout couch, at least 10 bowls of popcorn, and Avengers Endgame was ready and waiting. Jeremy walked over to the couch and invited Olivia to take a seat. Olivia walked over and for the first time actually had a good look a Jeremy, “did you get shorter?” Jeremy looked back at her in confusion, “not that I know of. Maybe you grew.”
Olivia just brushed it off and got comfortable next to Jeremy and they started the movie. After a minute Jeremy’s mom came into the room, “Jeremy I’m going now. Do you think you can hold down the fort?” Jeremy rolled his eyes at this, “mom I’ve explained me plans to you over and over. You can relax.” Jeremy’s mom sighed a little then left.
Jeremy snuggled up with Olivia who was at a height of 7’2. Of course no one noticed. Jeremy grabbed the remote to start the movie. After a minute Jeremy ended up sitting in Olivia’s lap and they were both satisfied.
30 minutes later...
“In case you couldn’t tell I have a pretty good life,” Tony and Steve were arguing as the movie continued. Olivia stood up to go get some more water. When she did this her head bumped on the ceiling, “ ouch” Olivia looked down and saw her shirt in tatters and her pants looking much to small for her, “Jeremy I think something is wrong.”
Jeremy turned his head to see a 9’6 Olivia standing in front of her, “what in lords name?!? How did you get so tall?!?” Olivia shock her head in confusion, “I have no idea. Maybe I had a growth spurt, but I’m okay” Olivia sat back down on the couch. Jeremy still seemed concerned, “are you sure? You look twice as tall as before. If that keeps up...” Olivia looked a bit scared but tried to remain calm., “ look let’s finish the movie then we can worry about how tall I am.” Jeremy reluctantly started the movie again. Olivia was thankful that they could relax instead of freaking out.
So to thank Jeremy she picked him up and put him in her lap, “I am a bit worried that if I keep growing I would be stuck in the house. But at least I’d have a friend.” She smiles and they returned to watching the movie.
As the night progressed Olivia slowly grew. By the end of the hour she was 19’3 inches tall. Olivia and Jeremy began to hear creaking. Jeremy looked around to find the source, “is that the couch? Olivia do yo...” he trailed off now looking at a 19’4 Olivia, “um Olivia? We have a problem.”
Olivia looked down as Jeremy and all the blood drained from her face, “oh no” Jeremy stood up and pointed at the door, we should go outside before...” he was stoped by a loud crack. It was the couch, “that happens. We need to get you outside. Olivia try to crawl out the door.”
Olivia complied and crawled over to the door. As she did this she saw her pants and underwear had given out and she was naked, “ack, Jeremy cover your eyes.” Jeremy just left the room and a minute later came back down with a bedsheet, “here wrap this around your waist.”
Olivia was relived that she was covered and she then tried to fit out the door, “I can’t fit. Ohh I should have listened to you I’m sorry Jeremy.” Jeremy was sweating from fear, “okay, we have a large room towards the back you could go to. We also have a tv out there so we could finish Endgame.” Olivia loved this idea. As luck would have it she could fit in to the larger room, “wow this place is big.” Jeremy looked relieved, “thanks, it’s big enough to fit 4 school buses.”
Olivia was at a height of 29’3.
Suddenly Olivia’s growth sped up by...