"Those lessons are really paying off!" Malcolm grinned at Robbie as he finished rolling out the two separate sheets of dough, a thinner crust for the bottom than for top of the pie. "I know I already made a peach pie, but you want to try your hand at making one yourself? I'll take the old one home if you don't want it."
He had to think it over for a moment. The extra food wasn't needed but the practice was. And as appetizing as the pie smelled, peach was not his favorite. Maybe if there was the stuff for a pumpkin pie...
"Let's see what there is for other pies." Malcolm interrupted his thoughts. Searching around in some grocery bags and the fridge, cartons of strawberries, a bag of apples, cream cheese, eggs, some pecans, and various other ingredients. "See any that catch your fancy?"
"How about a blueberry pie?"
"Sure thing. You like blueberries?"
"Yeah. Since I was a kid. I can easily go overboard with them and make myself sick if I'm not careful."
"No problem. You need directions?"
"Yeah wouldn't hurt. You give the directions and I'll make the pie."
For the next hour, Malcolm directed Robbie on making the pie, mixing the right amount of sugar with the blueberries, cutting the strips of dough for the top crust, putting it all together properly before it went into the oven with the pot pie.
All the food now baking, Robbie went out to play with Robert. The two played with some balls, rolling them back and forth, banged on a toy xylophone, placing blocks into proper holes.
"Want a snack?" Malcolm asked. Without waiting for an answer, he placed a veggie tray on the coffee table with a large bowl of ranch dip in the middle already.
"Malcolm, dinner's in like an hour. I could have waited."
"Dinner may be, but a little snack never hurts. I thought you could also use a little reward. Your pie turned out great and is out on the counter, cooling." He grabbed a broccoli floret and dipped it in the ranch before handing it to Robbie.
Begrudgingly, he took the broccoli. At least it was slightly healthy, once you go past the ranch anyways. Going back to playing with Robert, he started munching on the veggies without really thinking about it.
"Pot pie's ready! I've already gotten your plate ready Mr. Amell. And I have some freshly made applesauce for Robert."
"Thanks Malcolm. You can leave now. Feel free to take some of that pot pit. It's to large for me to eat by myself."
"I already got some." He held up a Tupperware container with a portion of the pie in it. It didn't look like much to Robbie, but at least he wouldn't have to eat it ALL himself. "And I made a couple other baby foods for Robert for tomorrow."
"Okay. I hope everything goes okay with your mom."
"It will. Don't forget to practice your cooking while I'm gone for a couple days. I'll expect a complete list of everything you cooked when I get back, understood?"
"Since when did you become my cooking coach? That's what I'm taking classes for."
"Since today. When I was coaching you in making the pies." Malcolm laughed.
Robbie grinned at the man. "Okay, okay. I'll keep you a list. But don't think I'm paying as my coach too."
"Fair enough. Well, I better be heading out. Mom will be in tonight at 9 tonight. See you in a couple days Mr. Amell."
"Enjoy your time off."
With Malcolm gone, Robbie placed his son in the high chair. Although Robert had not yet learned to walk, he had managed to start feeding himself, albeit with lots of flying food when he was in a playful mood. He chuckled as he ate the chicken pot pie, watching Robert laugh as he alternated between eating and wearing his food.