When the alarm sounded, all the Osaka's inhabitants hurry to leave the streets empty. With nothing, animate or inanimate.
That alarm alerted them that the perverted kaiju was half an hour away. And when she arrives, she flooded the city in cum. Everything was destroyed, and then recreated, for hours, or hopefully days, without Idaina Chitsu in their lives.
Without delay, she arrived. With his three-city-sized foot stopping miles from the city, but making the whole city shake, in an earthquake. She bent down, ravaging the city's outskirts with her locks, darks like a black hole.
"HELLO OSAKA", whispered the giantess, her deep, high voice blasting all the glass in the city, and some eardrums, in addition to causing a gale comparable to that of a bomb cyclone."LOOK, I'M SORRY, I'M REEEAAALLY SORRY", she lied, betrayed by her small smile, visible as the sun, "BUT I'M VERY WANTING TO FUCK. I DON'T FUCK 45 MINUTES THIS IS TOO HARD FOR ME. SO SORRY, BUT I'M GOING TO SEX YOU, OSAKA." She fakes a sad tone, but soon she can't take it anymore and laughs, producing the biggest hurricane ever seen on Earth. She notices, and quickly undoes it, and fixes the city. "OH, EXCUSE ME. I ALMOST DESTROYED THE CITY BEFORE THE TIME."
She undoes her bra and panties, standing completely naked for God and the world to see. "OKAY GUYS, TIME TO SEE HOW MUCH YOUR TOWN CAN HOLD THIS TIME BEFORE IT'S ATOMIZED."