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Story where Pete Rooney has sex rough sex with his family |
An hour goes by of karen forcefully facesitting liv karen finally gets up and says "time to move onto the next part" liv thinks in her head ("oh thank god wait doesnt that mean I'm getting...oww") liv's thoughts were cut short due to Karen starting her spanking "I cant wait till the spanking is over and you're butt is bright red" karen says as she continues the spanking
Liv feels tear rolling down her cheeks when she hears her mom grab something close by then feels it
Wrack liv screams and covers her butt "liv move your heads or I'll tied you up liv then asked with sobs in her voice "what is that thing" karen then shows liv the spanking tool liv's eyes widen and sees that it's a belt and starts to beg her mother to go back to her head "that right liv beg for me the people watching this will love it" karen said as she went back to the belt spanking
Liv covers her butt again "Please sobs mommy sobs stop sobs I'll sobs be a sobs good girl sobs I promise sobs" liv what did I said about covering you're butt" with that karen ties liv's arms together and does the same with her legs "there now I was gonna do five more but now its gonna be ten" liv couldn't get another word in before karen started again
Liv now screaming and cry harder then ever karen held her there till she clammed down a little liv's butt was a dark red the slightest tough made her whimper "how are you clammed down enough to move on to the next park my little slave" liv just nodded her head karen then untied her legs and told liv to get up and bed over the bed liv obeys and waits for more instructions karen then shows liv the size of he strapon she is going to use on her "that thing is at least twice as thick as daddy's please dont use it on my poor broken butt" karen ignores her and liv just feels the lube being put on her cuasing her slightest pain a few seconds of lube being rubbed onto and into her butt hole she feels the tio of the strapon at her entrance liv closes her eyes tightly and awaits for the pain karen then thrusts the strapon into her all at once cuasing liv the to scream and squirm under her mother's forceful thrust "oh yes scream and squirm little girl it just makes me go faster" karen said going faster. Hours pass and karen is still thrusting into liv who as votten so numb cant even feel her mohers hips smack into her butt "now for the final thrust" karen said as she pushed a button on the side of her toy and started to fill liv's butt up with fake cum liv feels her butt starting to fill "no no no I hate this feeling it so gross being filled up back there" liv said trying to get away but karen hold her down and finishes fill her.
Karen finally pulls out and liv feels the cum pouring out of her butt "eww it feels so gross make it stop mommy" karen then flips liv over and tells her "ready for the final act of punishment my little girl" liv's eyes widen again thinking ("oh no is she gonna put it in my viagna now") just then liv's legs get leifed up and a diaper is put under her "wait you cant be serious your gonna make me wear a diaper" Karen then starts rubbing slimy baby oil on liv's butt cuasing her discomfort "eww that feels gross but in a good way I guess" Karen then grabs baby powder and tells liv to flip back over liv's obeys and Karen then puts the powder on her a says sorry love liv gets confused then karen lighty smacks liv's butt "ow mommy I thought the spanking was over" liv asked then karen answers back with "it is it's just I always snack you and your sisters butt when putting baby powder on your butts" karen then flips liv over again and tapes up the diaper then unties her arms and says to the camera "there you have it ladies and gentlemen my new baby liv Rooney" liv blushes hard and says to the camera "goo goo ga ga" karen then turns to liv after turning off the camera who is hungry for some milky liv then answers back with "so I can take this diaper off now right" karen responds with "no you cant didnt you hear me your my new baby and you will be treated, punished and looked after as one" liv looks sad and thinks ("his is my new life now isnt") "now I said who hungry milky" karen then sat on the edge of the bed and pulled liv onto her lap and said tine for you're breastfeeding sweetie" liv shakes her head "oh is my baby misbehaving I hope she know what bad girl get if the misbehaves" karen then whispers into her ear "spankys" liv gulped and started to suck on her mother's breast to her surprise milk was coming out of it so she started to suck harder "slow down little one or you're gonna get the hiccups" karen then got up and started to walk downstairs to show off her new baby "oh not forget tonight is bath night sweetie whould you like mommy to wash you or someone else" liv then said "can parky wash me please" liv said in her most childish voice karen then said "okay he can but if he does anything that makes to feel uncomfortable let mommy know okay" liv nods her back.
Liv and karen get to the living room and see that everyone is hangout there maddie turns her head to see liv in nothing but I diaper "oh hey the baby is here guys" everyone turn to see and they all go aww "parker tonight is bath night and liv here wants to to wash her" karen asked parker who nods his head well saying "yea I can do that when should I give her, her bath" "before her bedtime which is 7:30 sherp now liv go see your daddy while I go make dinner" karen said as she let go of liv hand "okay mommy" liv said as she walked towards pete. Pete then picked liv up and placed her on his lap "oh pete me careful with her bum I had to spank her pretty hard" liv sitting there happily "she seems fine to me" meanwhile in liv's thoughts ("ow my butt ow my butt ow")
The end  |
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