Mona smiled as she looked over her Ponyta partner, finding that apparently she had named him Maximus, which did sound like something she'd name such a handsome equine specimen. She smiled at him, petting his flaming mane as she found it not quite as hot as she expected, more warm to the touch and completely safe. Maximus smiled back, nuzzling her with his muzzle, though she blushed as he pressed it into her decently soft chest.
Getting up and gathering her stuff, she beamed to her partner. "Ready to go on an adventure, Max?" The Ponyta reared up and whinnied in approval, and with that the two took off running together, eager to see what the world held for them.
Mona would spend the next few days in awe of really being in this world. She would battle, tend to her Pokemon, visit a nearby town... it was a dream come true for her. Though, there was one thing she missed... Mona was a bit of a closet pervert, you see, and the world of Pokemon had a certain innocent air to it that was somewhat keeping her from tending to her sexual cravings. She was getting slightly more horny every day, but would always feel gross whenever she considered masturbating here. She resolved herself to just keep riding it out, for now.
And then, one day, while grooming Maximus, she would freeze upon seeing something unexpected: Maximus had a cock.
It hadn't been there in the previous days; she would have definitely noticed something this big before. When she had groomed him before, it had just been smooth and featureless there. Now, he had a nearly foot long horse cock, a pair of apple sized balls, and even a sheath for his cock to slide into.
She gulped, feeling strange about this. Her adorable Ponyta was hung and hard, and she could smell a musky scent emanating from him that was driving her crazy. This was so wrong. Yet she couldn't look away.
Maximus had noticed her attention at this point, and, having smelled her arousal before, smiled as that same scent grew stronger than ever. He didn't seem at all bothered by the sudden new body parts he'd sprouted; in fact, he seemed quite pleased with himself. He loved his mistress... and this strange world was corrupting them to give her exactly what she craved.