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This choice: Bridget  •  Go Back...
Chapter #2


    by: Philsmith4th
"Oh, Oh Bridget, Bridget oh yes" Kennedy spluttered.
"Could I have a word with you in private please?".
"Mr Skinner is giving me a lift" Bridget replied sounding slightly confused.
"Oh I can drop you at the station I'm sure Mr Skinner won't mind will you?"
"Not at all" Skinner replied. Bridget and Skinner looked at each other, obvious affection in their eyes.
"Well, I'll, see you next week" Skinner asked nervously. "Alright then" Bridget said short of breath. The two leaned in for an awkward kiss, both with beaming smiles attached to their face.
Skinner proceeded to walk into the lift to join Elton and Ursula the other couple in the group, they too were smiling, chuckling to themselves watching the blooming relationship of the 2 others blossom.
"Bye Bye" Bridget said her smile not faltering. She watched her friends go up into the lift, already anticipating the next time they'll meet, and hoping she'll be able to spend some personal close time with Mr Skinner.

She looked back at Kennedy. Kennedy also seemed to be smiling but it seemed to come out as more of a smirk.
"So what did you need to talk to me about?" Bridget said, attempting to break the silence which was growing in the room.
"Oh nothing just some boring administrative stuff I need, nothing important" he said.
"Come over and take a seat at my desk I'll just go into the back and get the paperwork" before Bridget could say anything Kennedy waddled over to a side door into the room. He looked like he was rushing, he clutched his belly and let out a quiet yet audible fart.
He's acting weird. Bridget thought. She didn't think too much of it though, she knew Kennedy was strange and not quite adept at socialising, at least he offered to give her a lift to the station, that's sweet of him, though she didn't ever see him leave the basement or mention driving before.
Again Bridget started to think about Skinner, oh what times they'll have together, all she wanted was to be close to him. She couldn't wait to hang out as a couple with Skinner and the other two love birds, Elton and Ursula. Though its a shame Bliss left, Bliss was lovely she'd never consider she was the kind of person to just leave without proper notice, either way wherever she is right now she hoped Bliss was okay.
Mid thought Bridget heard incredibly loud strange sounds coming from the other room "MMMMMM" "PHHHHRRRTT" *MOAN*
"You alright Victor?" Bridget shouted to no reply

All of a sudden Bridget sensed how unsettled she felt, the last she saw of Bliss was when Kennedy asked to speak to her in private. "Surely n..." "MMMMMM" "PHRARRP" "GURGLE" and what sounded like muffled shouting could be heard again. Butterflies started to appear in her stomach. Something is wrong.
More noises again this time louder "MMMMPARP" "PPHHURRT" "MOAN", each noise punctuated with wet gurgling sounds, like wet clay being mashed. Bridget stood up. "What is going on!" she shouted, but the only reply was a quiet muffled voice which she swear sounded like Bliss. A door swung open in the dark of the other side of the room. A shape stepped out, each step it took made a wet slapping sound.
Bridget watched in horror as the thing came out from the dark into the light, it was Kennedy. He was near naked, fat and a kind of green and brown colour, what looked like twisted faces covered his body and the wet sound she heard before was now constantly emanating from him.
"finally I can show my true form to you Bridget, I've *PHHRRT* been waiting so long"
"W-w-what are you?" Bridget asked, fear clearly audible in her voice.
"This is what I truely look like, isn't my form beautiful *PHARRP*", After Kennedy's last disgusting wet fart he moaned. A voice which wasn't Bridget's or Kennedy's could be heard.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Bridget there is nothing I can do. Run do something he wants to absorb you inside of him"
Kennedy was amused by Bliss's remark and he turned round to show Bridget what he's did to her. Bridget looked in both horror and sadness. Bliss's face could be seen plastered to the things arse, her face stretching out but slightly flattened, presumably because of when he sat down he squashed her. Kennedy let out another humiliating fart which wafted over Bliss's face her unable to avoid it, she grimaced and shut her eyes, a slight chuckle could be heard coming from Kennedy.
Bridget was locked in place, unable to move in shear shock of what was happening in front of her.
"Move Bridget!" Bliss said Kennedy still turned around to let the two speak "Just do something".
Bridget looked around the room. The lift was at the top, she wouldn't be able to get there in time. The stairs were locked. There were no other exits. What could she do?
"Nowhere to go Bridget, how about you just sit down and we'll let this happen slowly, painlessly. *MMPHRP* I'll put my hand on your hand and you'll quietly become one with me and your friend. What's even the point of fighting it anymore, you'll live the rest of your live peacefully sinking into me, none of the worries of the real world will exist anymore, just you, me your friends and ecstasy."
Bridget felt faint. She collapsed onto the floor completely overwhelmed with what was going on around her. She heard wet slapping coming closer to her.
"That's it Bridget *PPPHHRRP* don't struggle" Kennedy said calmly as he walked towards her. Bliss was sobbing.
Kennedy started to drool. "Dissolve into me, I'll make you feel amazing"
He took her clothes off. "You won't be needing these where you're going". Bridget looked up for one final time at Kennedy.. He grabbed her hands and lifted her up so she was facing him stood up. As their hands touched her hands felt liquidy and started to melt, Kennedy's skin greedily sucking her hand then wrists then arms into him.
"mmmmmmmm hhhhh aa" the thing moaned quietly at first but they started to get more intense as more of the woman entered the fleshy prison. The sounds of his skin slurping and sucking were deafening to Bridget's ears. Kennedy closed his eyes and grunted.
"I want all of you inside me" Bridget was up to her elbows inside Kennedy's hands at this point but it's obvious he was enjoying the process immensely. Kennedy pulled the rest of her body onto him a loud wet slap audible as their bodies collided. Bridget felt the whole of his torso on hers. The texture was slimy and squishy but before she could think it too hungrily feasted on her body, sucking it in at immense speed.
Bridget all of a sudden felt a wave of calm wash over her. "Why bother fighting" she thought and rested her tired head on Kennedy's chest. She could hear Kennedy's voice but now it was in her head "That's it come into me and let me gorge on you".
With a deafening wet *POP* and *SLURP* the last of Bridget's body entered Kennedy. Kennedy was now shaking with pleasure *PHHHAAAARRRRRRRPPP* The loudest of his farts yet could be heard to the audible disgust of Bliss who continued to sob as she could feel Kennedy's body shift inside to make space for its new occupant. Bliss could feel Bridget's calm and Bridget could feel Bliss's unhappiness.
Kennedy continued to shake and with a grunt and a gurgle a bulge on his upper right back started to form with the outline of Bridget's face. Kennedy was experiencing unimaginable pleasure as he felt Bridget join with him, the ecstasy of absorbing two people was incredible. He could feel everything they were feeling and everything they've ever felt, their memories, emotions, experiences, it was incredible.
Finally with a *SQUELCH* Bridget's face fully formed onto the things back. Stretching out.
"Bridget I'm so sorry" Bliss said but to no reply.
"It often takes time for people to adjust Bliss, give her time"
Kennedy walked over to his seat and sat down. Bliss let out a final squeal as with a *SQUELCH* her face was squashed back onto the seat.
"You tasted incredible Bridget. I can't wait to find out how your 'was to be' boyfriend will taste as soon as I can suck him into me.
Bridget let out a single tear knowing this was it now, she would spend the rest of her life attached to this awful being.


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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2233284-Abzorbaloff-absorbing-adventures/cid/2910545-Bridget